
Chapter 225

After the discovery of the wondrous Dungeon aphids we spent two more days pushing into the Expanse. Monsters became more and more common the deeper we went. Hippo-Turtles, Double Crocs, bewitching flowers, a tree that tried to eat Tiny and got punched to pieces, all sorts of stuff.

I didn't care about any of it.


They represent something incredible to me in this world of Dungeons and monsters. A way to get Biomass, WITHOUT fighting. The possibilities boggle my mind. You could have newborn ants fed from the aphids until they have achieved a decent level of strength, they'd be under no risk whatsoever as they collected food, from trees and leaves of all places!

I'm hungry for the details. To what level can these creatures be pushed? Can the stuff they excrete be improved in some way? Is it an organ that they have? Can they mutate it? Can we breed them? They're almost like fuzzy little dogs, would the ants be happy to care for them, defend them?

I need to know so badly! I can't however. Until the Expanse has been purged of our foes and made safe for ant kind I can't afford to be side tracked by anything!

So we keep fighting.

The constant fighting and eating has been good for my little group. Crinis in particular has continued to feast and take in more Biomass which I demand she spends during our rare breaks. As a result she's been able to gain several more mutation advancements, including her Durable Shadow flesh +5 and Disintegrating Void Maw. The first upgrade has made her rubbery shadow flesh tougher and harder to damage. The second has caused her mouth to achieve a disintegration property. From what I understand, anything she can get her impressive maw around will slowly start to disintegrate, crumbling out of existence.

She was apparently frustrated that her tentacles weren't up to the task of tearing the Hippo down and wanted another avenue of attack against monsters with tough defence.

With that she has achieved +5 in all the body parts she is currently able to spend Biomass on. Having already evolved once, her limit is presently +10 so she's pushing forward with upgrading her tentacles, getting them to +9 so far.

murder ball of infinite darkness is certainly starting to come into her own! At level 16 it won't be

his Iron Bones to +10 and took the unbreakable mutation, making his reinforced skeleton even stronger. I suspect this

go up a

speed aura gland is giving all of us a significant speed improvement. Nothing crazy

I'm still biding my time and testing out my bag of tricks. I want to have plenty in the tank by the time we get to the big bad hiding in the middle of this

Biomass and

nearly impossible to climb large ones, but rather a more regular specimen that is less resistant to climbing and

a little after another tough fight in which a Hippo Turtle decided to run into the middle of a battle against a posse of crocs. It got messy real fast but fortunately we were able to lock down the hippo

battered and with bulging stomachs, I decided we should retreat to heal up and

we clear out the Crocs the local marsh monsters begin to come out of their shells. Their activity increases and what I would consider 'normal' monster behaviour begins to re-emerge. It only gives

it I'd be most


to for eating. I mean fighting.

their offspring so tasty! It's a flaw in

how I tasted considering how

yourself getting eaten Anthony!

positive thought though? I wouldn't want the monster that eats me to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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