
Chapter 228

Our new foe continues to take its time approaching our position. Its skin has rapidly closed over and healed the damage that Vibrant was able to do with her enhanced acid, indicating some powerful regenerative effect. Is it tied to the skin? Surely not even a Croca Beast would be stupid enough to waste a regeneration gland on such a small injury?

For my part, I continue to use this period of excessive confidence from our foe to create my most potent weapon the gravity bomb! Within my mind the mana pulses with excessive energy as three separate streams of gravitational energy stream into a dense sphere that has begun to darken, turning from purple into black. As the transition takes place, the ball starts to shrink even further, packing the mana ever more densely as I continue to pour in more energy and compress it with the force of my will.

If this moron wants to take us lightly, I'll give it a welcome it won't forget or survive!

Crinis slowly extends her tentacles and rises from her resting place on my carapace. I understand that she wants to create room and have tentacles at the ready in case this monster decides to rush and attack at the last second.

Tiny is still sitting on his backside, staring at the approaching Croc as if it were a sparkling birthday cake with his name on it. He isn't able to stand until I rescind my earlier order, which I won't do since he would race into the water and start punching the beast the second I did. I wouldn't usually be so against the idea but since this creature is a new variety than those we come across before I want to be cautious.

Also, I plan on vaporising the Croc with a miniature black hole, and I wouldn't want my beloved pet Tiny to be caught in the spell.

"Stay on the flanks for us Vibrant, and don't get caught. If any other monsters try to interfere you have my permission to fight them."

"Really?! Yippee!" her voice rings out from my right.

Being able to converse without making a sound is such a fantastic aspect of being an ant. Pheromone language is severely underrated. I wonder if humans could have adapted to this over time, or perhaps genetically modified ourselves?

When I get right down to it, what part of an ant isn't superior to being a human? Except for the brain I suppose, which I got to keep anyway! Best of both worlds!

The Croca draws close now. Close enough that it has reached the island of dirt we are standing on and now has to crawl out of the water. Its enormous jaws seem to grin evilly as those two pairs of red eyes glitter in their sockets.


The creature utters a guttural hissing sound that grates on our ears. Still moving slowly, it begins to push itself off the ground with its powerful front arms, noticeably longer than those of a Double Croc. Up, up and up it goes until it towers high, even more significant than Tiny! Its hulking body is enormous! Heavy and rippling with muscle!

Part of me is relieved to see it. To achieve that kind of size, it must have dumped almost all of its evolutionary energy into Might, and taken size over quality. Tiny has a more balanced approach; not only is he large, but his muscle density is also fairly decent, creating a lighter, faster moving yet powerful form.

is quick, but I highly doubt it has achieved back to back maxed out special

impressive sight! Sharp claws glitter and pointed white teeth gleam as the monster almost seems to invite us to admire its

the Croc version of Tiny or something? How stupid

eyes. Don't be happy, dammit! Hold

while sitting, the giant ape is positioning his arms just so, and I can see that his arms and shoulders are tensed, causing his muscles to bulge beneath his fur. He



I haven't gone light on this one, and my main mind is beginning to buckle under the strain of keeping this ferocious amount of energy contained. The spell itself pushes back against my control, at all times wanting to


That helps a little…

from the double croc, whom I believe this particular specimen evolved from, this version is both larger, and more defensive. The stomach is no longer coated with a lighter colour of skin but thick plated scales, almost like armour, cover

I don't think so. I think this beast was designed to be a brute force tank,

flames begin to

Oh no!

Gravity Bomb!


the croc goes on the offensive. The spell howls through the air as if tearing a wound in space itself. Not even twenty metres away the

Big mistake.


[Tiny! LEG IT!]

spell contacts its target it expands into a sphere that begins to drag and pull everything around it into itself. A shrieking,

are we … a little

Advanced Dash!


pull of my own spell start to take hold of me as my thin little legs move

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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