
Chapter 231

The slowly rotating vortex of death engulfed the Gigantic Croca.

Die! Die you overgrown hand bag!


The Gravity Bomb continues to suck in air, sticks and whatever else is unable to resist its immense pull. The power of the Gravity Bomb still shocks me to my core. When mana reaches a critical density, scary things start to happen and the Gravity Bomb is a pure example of that. However, I know that this is only half the spell I'd hoped it to be. Whatever property the Massive Croc had imbued into its flame it had eaten away at the mana packed in my spell, reducing its strength dramatically.

It's too hard to get a decent visual on the enemy with the spell still in effect. My pets and I dig in our heels to resist the insidious drag of the bomb and prepare ourselves for the moment the spell drops.

The next five seconds feel like an eternity. My heart pounds in my chest as I await the results of my spell.

The spell flickers for a moment and fades. For a brief moment I see the Beast, then the world is fire.


The clever son of a Garralosh! The damned Croc sacrificed an arm to the spell! It must have sensed the density of the mana coming towards it and reached out to trigger the bomb before it could touch its torso!

The level of strength required to resist the pull at such a close range … is something I can't think about right now! It's too damn hot!

Flame erupts everywhere around me and I immediately fire off my three prepared gravity bolts and task my sub brains with cranking out a water construct on the double and I leg it! The three spells are reduced by the flame as they pass through but retain some of their power as they strike home against the crocs left leg.

This monster looks fairly damn strong but I'll take any advantage I can get at this point!

"Vibrant! Hit the thing but keep your distance!" I holler.

"Roger-Roger!" she cries as acid begins to fly at the Croc from behind its shoulder.


little annoyed but that friendly bomb I lobbed its way since the fire seems to


legs blur as I activate my dash skill and begin to sprint in a zig

on me. Give it

and thrusts both meaty hands forward at


lightning blast forth from the apes hands and stab straight into the Croc's side! The electricity ripples across the beast and

Croc bellows and turns its

moment of reprieve I begin to spin together a few more gravity bolts and assess the situation. To my horror I can already see the arm that had been consumed by my pre-emptive strike is beginning to regrow. A bubbling lump of flesh had appeared where the arm connected

within my mind and launch another two Gravity Bolts at the Croc's left leg before turning more attention towards the water transformation construct. It's my only chance of being able to counteract

shrug off those blows, even as the acid steams as it eats away at the scales on its back. Perhaps its confident it can regenerate the damage along with its arm? That doesn't bode

me Master? Should I strike?] Vibrant calls desperately from her hiding

Don't come out

the critical moment when she can get close enough

[Tiny, JUMP!] I scream.

of jaws this time and a crackling blue flame has begun licking the space

Too late.

into the Croc. Controlling the lightning from that sort

forward and a focused torrent of blue flame spears through the air. The heat is intense. Even though the flame isn't directed at me

leaps high, but one foot is caught in the narrow blast of flame and burned clean

as he lands awkwardly, falling to one side

ape. It takes

Wrong move!

Forceful Water Cannon!


level a skill advancement

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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