
Chapter 237

If I'm going to be honest, I don't really want to go and talk to the humans. The priest will probably be there, a crowd might form, it just feels so irritating. However, they may have information that can help me and I can't help but feel a little responsible for them.

In some ways I feel responsible for them in much the same way a human might feel responsible for their pets. They're a collective of individuals who need me to make sure they aren't killing themselves as they go about their daily business. I make sure they have the basic necessities of life, security, food and water, and then I let them go about their daily business.

Much like I cared for my pet colony when I was a human, except with the ants I cared more if they survived.

Sighing, I make my way up, out of the colony and out the top of the anthill. Diligent workers continue to patrol up and down the tunnel, a few trails leading foragers out into the surrounding wilds, groups of ants returning carrying the remains of surface monsters they'd found and dispatched.

Quite a few of the remaining workforce has evolved twice, giving them the stats they need to be able to dominate the bulk of surface monsters. Since the workers always act in teams, they've been able to mow through the surrounding lands like a scythe through wheat, in some ways reminding me of the fearsome Army Ant. That species of ant is nomadic since they basically strip the area around the colony of food pretty darn quick, forcing them to move to more fertile ground or starve.

Luckily we won't have that problem since the Dungeon will provide all of the sustenance we need, and soon the new generation of workers will be in a position to farm deep into the Dungeon, right down to the expanse, without my supervision.

Then I can investigate the aphid situation and see if I can't come up with an even better solution.

The future is bright!


Oh right, humans. Ugh.

My musing has distracted me long enough that I've arrived at the burgeoning human village without being aware of it. I've already been noticed, several people gathering around me, maintaining a respectful distance thankfully. The number of people quickly builds and I'm fairly sure I saw someone run off to collect Enid and in all likelihood the priest as well.

As I wait, I take a little time to inspect the work that has been done. The number of crude buildings has certainly increased significantly since I was last hear, as well as the number of people. It seems as though the flow of refugees hasn't stalled at all, perhaps it's even growing.

A tingle of concern causes my antennae to twitch slightly.

If the monsters are rampaging further south then there's a chance they'll come here. I'll need to make proper preparations, perhaps get some scouting done…


do just

Pangera just buzz of somewhere else so I can

as well. I don't pay them much attention, instead I

once the complex shape

she sounds nervous, [how did things go in the Dungeon?

accomplished though the fighting was more difficult that I had anticipated. My companions and I

Her eyes widened.

a monster at that level of the Dungeon able to hurt you

give an ant shrug with my antennae, which of course

from the expanse below us however, which should make us a little safer

gratitude plain in

will be much relieved to hear of it. They have suffered at the hands of Garralosh and

of my antennae in agreement and the aged woman turns towards the nearby villagers, including the priest, to explain

so martial looking refugees listen with attentive faces. Now that I give another look at them, they seem a little on edge. Their leader, a square jawed, tough looking woman, standing in front of the others, is giving me a serious dose of

without shifting my head or posture at

is your

the villagers around me. It was quite a strange sight to see. People started hugging and shouting with exuberance. Smiles wreathed every face and

commander doesn't mean the entire species has been wiped

back to me. I think she could sense my discomfort at the hubbub bubbling around us so she hastened to

their boisterous behaviour. Good news has been hard to come by lately and even a little thing like this is enough to lift their

eyes narrowed

didn't let them know that you'd been injured. I rather felt that there might be some panic or indeed, some outrage, if they were to know that you had been harmed.

shake of my head at that. Just how dumb are these

time as any to bring up

to the realisation that I may need some advice and assistance in regards to developing my skills and abilities. I tried to learn what I could from your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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