
Chapter 247

Right then. For the time being, my skills had been dealt with. Now for the juicy bit.

The Biomass.

But first.


When she received my mental communication the little ball shrinks in on herself, withdrawing her stalk until she's almost touching the ground.

[Um… Y… yes? Master?] she stammers.

[Is there something you want to tell me? Has some sort of milestone been achieved?] I enquire.

[N, no? I can't think of anything like that, Master]

So evasive!

[You wouldn't be worried about having to make choices for yourself again, would you Crinis? Panicked that you might make a selection that I didn't approve of? If that were the case, I'd be quite disappointed] my voice drops to a sinister low by the end.

[Hiiiiii!] she squeaks.

I can only sigh. Why are pets so weird? This should be a joyous occasion, the individual should be jumping for joy and as the master I would bathe in that reflected happiness, smiling deeply, feeling smug and satisfied that all things were travelling on the path that I ordained.


Instead, I have to bully my own pet into evolving, or watch my pet evolve into an imbecilic lump of muscle meat. Crinis is just paranoid about having to make her own choices, not wishing to do something 'wrong'.

[Look, Crinis, I'm very happy that you are ready to evolve. It's a great thing! So as soon as we are finished speaking we will finalize your core and you will evolve. Okay?]



[yes… Master….]

Don't sulk!

that you'd be perfect, the best little murder ball of boundless

little ball seems struck dumb, growing

did that Master?

Whatever I can do to help you, I will. Do you understand that me creating your evolution means I'm meeting you halfway on this right? I've already made a good chunk of the

[…. But!]

[No buts!]


vicious arc I whack the little tennis ball right in the middle, sending her flying to the corner in which I keep

[Let's do this!]

a special core and whack her on the head with it until she

[Now go evolve, dammit!]


and begins the process of her evolution. This is only her second evolution but it's going to be exciting

know I'm being harsh on her, after all, the only thing she wants is to be as helpful as possible, but she has to develop

him on guard duty. We are still in the Dungeon after all and if anything spawns in here


me and three

of my mutations to +15 before I evolve and I

+10 to +15 is going to cost



ten is only forty

do about it but eat,

of the System is focused on consolidation and reinforcement. Fusing is one part of this, where classes and skills can become combined to create a new and

combine to make a new skill, or two classes combine to create a new class. It isn't a hard and

applies to monsters he wasn't sure, but I have a feeling that the +15 upgrade won't be just choosing another mutation. I'm determined

you like to upgrade Mandibles to +15? This will cost sixty five

You betcha.

may choose to combine your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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