
Chapter 249

This is a big moment for me. I’ve nearly upgraded every body part to +10. It isn’t the full milestone that +15 would be, but it’s partway there! My mutations have been lagging behind for way too long, it’s nice to finally be able to boost up this side of the power equation. I’ve been neglecting the various aspects that can contribute to my strength, apparently to my detriment.

Ensuring that my core is fully upgraded and evolving has certainly helped, but my skills and mutations have suffered from a lack of patience and dedication. That stops now! From here on in, it’s going to be skills and Biomass number one! Evolution is for chumps and Anthony’s who’ve fully mutated themselves.

Let’s get back to sorting out this mutation bonanza!

The only part left to mutate to +10 is my legs, the famous tippity tappers! My dancing feet! Which reminds me, I need to check the skills menu for ’fancy feet’. I want to know what the heck that skill does. I can’t help but wonder if Tiny is tap dancing when I’m in torpor.

[Would you like to improve your Absorption legs to +10? This will cost 40 Biomass]


[At this stage, you may select a mutation advancement]

Hit me with that menu!

So many great options for legs. Leaping legs is one that grabs my attention immediately. I’d be like the famous Jack Jumper ants, able to leap and deliver my menacing bite from a distance! As cool as I think it would be, I’m not sure how good I’d be jumping into the middle of a pack of enemies, I can’t make quite the same landing as Tiny can.

What else have we got?

I can double down on Absorption, there are a few options for that, increasing the rate of absorption at a constant rate, or allowing me to dramatically increase it for a short amount of time. There are options to add slicey looking blades to the end of my claws, allowing me to attack with my feet or options to increase running speed, reduce stamina cost from dashing, improve my climbing ability.

Argh! So much cool stuff!

Think Anthony!

Look, I don’t think I need more mana. I have the absorption already, and mana miser is helping to reduce my spending, not to mention I have a huge pool of mana to start with, especially for the number of evolutions I’ve experienced. I’ve maxed out my core, so my raw MP is high, and my Gravitational Energy Gland has a huge tank, so I’m not likely to run out of mana in a hurry.

So putting those upgrades aside, what would make a good combo with absorption, something that would make a sensible fusion option? I don’t have to fuse either, I could emphasise one aspect or the other.

If we get right down to it, what do I want most out of my legs? Speed and mobility obviously, but I have skills working on that area as well. I have the Stamina skill to build out my stamina and I have the dash skill for speed. Is it worth it to double up and have a mutation as well as a skill affecting the same thing? Maybe that’s what I should do in order to get truly impressive results...

not that this

Rapid Legs. Increases running speed

and utility upgrade. Even if it doesn’t work out exactly the way I want, I can’t imagine complaining

Time to confirm the

you like


Gravity Magic Gland to Expanded Deep Gravity Magic

Combined Divergent Coordination Cortex

to Dispersive Regenerative Inner Carapace


is one hell


Confirm that purchase!

So exciting!





feel it! It’s


creeps over my entire body, my legs, my glands, the bony plates along the inside of carapace, everywhere! An itch I can’t scratch, so intense I can’t stand it!

support my body and twitch there like an





on. And on.

Make it STAHP!


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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