
Chapter 259

After slumping back into our chamber and putting Vibrant on guard duty, it was time for me to spend my newly amassed wealth. The last few days have been extremely productive, both for the colony and the village, not to mention the significant gains I've made within my own personal strength.

The knowledge that I've gained has proven itself to be valuable almost immediately, my skills have been rapidly levelling. It'll probably take weeks to get things to the point I'd be happy with it but at least I'm on the way.

The job I have now is to spend it up big!

I've got 246 in the bank and I'm ready to go!

At 60 apiece, this is enough to get three body parts to +15, not enough to complete the +15 body but enough to close the gap.

But what to mutate first? I'm not sure. I've hit the main points in the mandibles and carapace. I think I'll go with a bit of a mix of utility here. I'll upgrade the coordination cortex, my legs and my gravity magic gland.

That should be a good boost.

[Do you wish to improve your Divergent Combined Coordination cortex to +15? This will cost 65 Biomass.]


[At this level you may choose to combine your mutations, or emphasise one. Which will you select?]

For this one I'm going fuse the two options. This should help the brains remain strong at both cooperation and individual spell casting.

[Do you wish to improve your Rapid Absorption Legs to +15? This will cost 65 Biomass]

Bring it!

you may choose to combine your mutations,

this one. Moving fast is nice, absorbing mana through the legs is also nice. I don't 'really prefer one over

the spell casting ahead of the quick movement. Absorbing mana through the legs has increased my

Gravity Magic Gland to +15?


mutations will be reinforced. Do you wish to

I naturally won't get the choice to fuse. I'll be interested to see how much capacity I'll have once this mutation is

Confirm all of those!






I can only fall to the ground, twitching uncontrollably as my body no longer responds in the way I want it

I, I hate this.

fades and I regain control of myself, averting my gaze from the

farming away in the expanse and mutating, I'm ready for a



Back in the attack!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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