
Chapter 261

As the voices of the new hatchlings ring throughout the room, and I start to wonder just what it is that I've done, another voice sounds within my mind.

[Original Species has been detected. New species type has been assigned.]

Gandalf?! What the heck are you on about?!

Is he saying that the new hatchlings are recognised by the system as a different species to mine? I did make a lot of changes…

Does this mean that the workers will attack them? That would be terrible!

Before I can process the implications of what is being said, the voice of the grey one continues to speak.

[You have been designated as the progenitor of this new species. Do you wish to align your species, and that of your colony, with this new archetype?]



I suppose?

The instant I assent within my mind, there is an audible rumble around and within me. A lethargic feeling rises up through my limbs and claws towards my mind, dragging me down into the lassitude I recognise as Torpor.

[Crinis! Watch me …]

Before I can finish the sentence, my thoughts slow like congealing grease until they move no more.

I'm up!

Crinis! How long was I

across the scene around me and try to process what has happened. To all appearances, not much has changed. The hatchlings are still congregating together, shouting and arguing with each other with increasingly loud voices. Something that has changed, is the workers. Their movements are slowing, some of them are


how long it's been since I last

a few moments, I haven't even made it up

few seconds? What in the name of heck

about new species and I agreed to have mine changed. Maybe I should check my status

up my status, my species has changed. No longer [Formica], but

nest, crawling down the tunnel from below

Wait a second!

the chamber, I rush down the main tunnel of the nest, passing Crinis on her way up. I ignore her confused questions and throw myself into the Queens chamber. Behind me I can see more workers making their way

around her has grown eerily still. The stillness feels so strange here, in this place of motions

shifting the workers out of the way I

boy. I hope I didn't make a

system recognised that a new species had been created, then gave me, the creator of that species, the right

much longer for them? Is it because I'm already quite close to what the new generation can evolve into, whereas the others aren't?

I'm so confused!

The new hatchlings!

again passing Crinis who was carefully climbing down, trying

hatchling haven't ceased their shouting match, even as the workers who had tended them have grown still around them. Feeling somewhat anxious about the changing situation,



That was quick.

down. I didn't realise

I need you to keep still

they respond

nest from below the Queen's chamber. Crinis, head to the top of the nest but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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