
Chapter 271

"Then we were fighting theshe monsters and they are like freaking shombies, I’m tellin’ you. No matter what I hit them with they just don’t shtay down. Finally I burn the shtoopid thing so much it falsh down and this ugly ass bug breaksh out of iz back and jush crawlsh off!"

"Donnelan, I think you’ve had enough. I can’t understand what on earth you’re saying."

"I’m..... FINE!"

"You are not fine, you’ve been trying to drink out of the bowl of nuts for the last fifteen minutes!"

"... Maybe I’sh had enough."

"I thought you mage types were supposed to be smart. You had enough an hour ago you moron. You’re juicier than a fiddler at festival time. I bet you can’t even walk."

Donnelan’s eyes go blank for a moment as he sways from side to side, testing his balance.

"Yous right!" he declared. "I cantsh walk."

Mirryn grunted with irritation. She’d been happy to join in and have a few drinks but she was quick to realise that the spirits they brewed down here were several levels more intense than anything they’d drunk on the surface. So she’d slowed down her pace, enjoyed the convivial atmosphere and watched the various races and social grouping here in Railleh mixing within the venue.

Donnelan had just wrecked himself and complained.

"Is he going to make it home?" rumbled the barkeep as he approached.

The enormous Golgarin male had kept a watchful eye on his business all night but hadn’t had to flex his size on anyone, something that Mirryn was quite grateful for. Easily seven feet tall and quite literally looking as if he’d been carved from a mountainside, the man looked as if he could crush two human heads in one of his massive palms.

their skin was so dense and, combined with the greyish texture, gave the

she assured him, "he’ll be

bar, ready to serve another customer who was prepared to

you get" Mirryn urged, grabbing her friend

as he

out the doorway already. The moron had staggered and stumbled each and every step, not to mention a few stops on the way to expel the worst of his drinks, causing the journey to take four times as long as

a quiet voice found her

her left she found Tribune Aurillia approaching from the officers’ quarters, further down this wing of the barracks. All of the Liria branch trainees who had been

"bigger for some that for

Donnelan always struggled to deal with stress. Considering how much has changed for him lately, this was only to be

you say, we’ve had our lives turned upside down. We don’t even have a home on the surface anymore" Mirryn pointed out, a little bitterness leaking through. "It shouldn’t shock

nodded and walked towards the far younger woman, placing a

of them have survived and fled.

shrugged her officers hand off and turned to

exactly will that be? Ever since we’ve come down here we’ve been fighting. I’ve killed more monsters in the past two months than I’ve killed in all my life up to this point, and it isn’t stopping. Even now the soldiers in the forts are fighting. No matter how much we fight it doesn’t seem to matter. Are

trace of doubt in her voice. "Every monster we kill is a threat that has been removed, every day we hold the Bulwark

important that this part of the Dungeon be sealed off? Is this sort of thing normal for the Legion? Have we created

for a moment before opening them and looking directly into the younger Legionary. Mirryn had always been strong. Not only had she taken to the Legions training exceptionally well, she had displayed a rare emotional strength. She’d been the rock of her training group and many who might


do you know about the Ancients?"

at the sudden change of

I mean, are you referring to the

her head, "I’m talking about the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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