
Chapter 274

The twenty young ants depart the chamber of the eldest in silence, allowing their Senior the rest and quiet that they seem to crave. They don't quite understand it, this desire for solitude and a reprieve from work, an unnatural concept for an ant, but due to the individual making the request, they respect it.

Without communicating they move as one, through the Queens chamber and towards the upper chambers. Now there are six hundred of their kind waiting to be born here, the Queen has been pushing herself towards full production as fast as possible and only yesterday another clutch was laid. It will be one day, maybe a little more, before the first wave of two hundred is born. There is much to do.

Filing into an unoccupied upper chamber, the twenty arranged themselves into a rough circle. They haven't planned or discussed this council, but by some instinct they knew it would occur. The mantle of leadership does not belong to any one ant, all members of the colony understand this, but the twenty, despite being so young, understood that after the eldest and the Senior known as Vibrant, they were the eldest of their race, thus they were expected to lead.

"Much to be done" the Carver known as Cobalt was the first speak.

"Indeed" several others answered.

The general Victor waved their antennae in a gesture of frustration. "The Eldest has many ideas, but the implementation has not been carried through."

"You speak of the farms?" Burke the scout asked.

Victor nodded. "I do. Their capacity is woefully inadequate."

full capacity then we can expect two hundred new hatchlings every few days. Currently, the colony is woefully underprepared to feed and groom

they revered and respected that individual as every member of the colony did, but they were frequently confused by them. Un antlike concepts and behaviour, such as the insistence on the

the farms must be dramatically expanded. At least double, perhaps as much as five

persisted they could exploit it to harvest the Biomass and cores they would need to fuel the rapid expansion of the colony. The workforce required to hunt and acquire such an amount of food under

forward" rumbled Grant, "I would like to hear your

worker be allowed to choose their own path, which the twenty acknowledged, but again didn't quite understand. Of course, each individual ant would choose whatever it was that the colony needed. They themselves had been quite conflicted upon being told they would need to decide for themselves what to evolve into. Only after a lengthy discussion had they decided that what would best serve the colony was for a representative of each caste to be represented amongst them, thus allowing the ants to choose the caste that

new wave of hatchlings would be desperate to know what it was the colony required, and would then be overjoyed to evolve

want to speak first" grunted Tungstant, "the colony needs soldiers more than anything else. We have pressing need for

If we wish to ensure that the young are given the best start to life we can manage, security, sustenance and care in the larval form

was reasonable, and also ran into the other problem that the Eldest had dropped on them

Eldest has procured information from a source outside the colony but we should not trust that source implicitly. Each skill unlock and fusion combination needs to be tested. Not to mention" Cobalt continued wryly, "some castes do not have a clear

their purpose in the colony

agree" Sloan pitched in, "we need to establish a complete map of all skill options, fusions and mutations as quickly as possible. For all castes. Peak efficiency is to be sought at all

choosing this and that with seemingly little thought to future possibilities and consequences, yet still managed to become the most powerful individual in the family, was faintly miraculous. The workers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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