
Chapter 283

As he walked towards me Beyn displayed a face splitting grin, his eyes alight with energy and passion. This moron is still obsessed with the colony, the ants and me in particular. He probably thinks the village is being 'blessed' with a visitation to the nest, when in fact the twenty have arranged the village for a surprisingly peaceful slaughter!

I weave a mind bridge and connect it to the fool. What on earth am I going to say? How can I explain this away? Gandalf, bestow upon me your wisdom, your sweet gravelly voice and your dominatable eyebrows.

[Beyn, you have come to the nest] I stated the obvious.

I don't want to talk as if I have no idea why they are here. I'm supposed to be the ant who decides what happens with the village and I'm the only one who's interacted with them so far, if I don't know what's happening then that might raise some suspicion in the mind of the priest I'm not quite as in control and omnipotent as he seems to think. If possible I want to get out of this situation without destroying the trust between the village and the colony. They still have much to teach us and I don't feel it's right to destroy these people who have done nothing to harm us.



[Oh! I'm sorry Great One! My excitement has gotten the better of me! I'm just so happy to get the chance to bring the people so close to the holy mountain!]

Mountain? What mountain? Does he mean the anthill?! How is even a mountain? It's only twenty metres tall!

yes. Welcome here, to the foot of our great,

One! When the esteemed members of the great colony came to the village and begun to gather us

incredible stuff… Could I ask

villagers for a somewhat extended training session in the Dungeon. We have sent scouts several days out from the village and so far we have encountered no sign of another incursion so Morrelia deemed it would be wise to make use

Of course they aren't here at this time, they wouldn't have let something stupid like this

that is wise of them] I nodded in what

here Great One?] Beyn asked eagerly, [will you be inviting us within the precious sanctum of your colony? Are we to be inducted into the great

would close if my eyes were it a physical

here to announce something!]

faces bright with expectation, and raises his hands, bringing a hush to the gathered throng before he tells them I will be speaking to them. At once, every face is turned towards me as I stand slightly above them, perched on the slope of the

my carapace is at its sparkling best. I haven't had a chance to inspect it too closely since we came back from the expanse and I'd hate for

err, that the, ah, colony has undergone a glorious rebirth!] I

give them some small details of the evolution our species has undergone they'll be satisfied with this announcement and return to the

fell immediately to his knees at

and System borne colony of in dominatable workers be made even more perfect? Exactly what has

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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