
Chapter 288

Couldn't keep up eh? The monster kind is supreme, huh? We can faster, further, longer! Morrelia must have been laughing up her sleeve whilst looking down at my stupid, fat face. After we left the Village, giving Morrelia a short period of time to inform her squad and pack her essentials we set off, leaving a concerned looking Enid behind as we journeyed to the north, heading back towards the ravaged lands of the former kingdom of Liria.

My budding attitude as a monster supremacist has been thoroughly crushed by the leather armoured, dark haired woman. With Tiny lumbering at my side and Crinis riding on my back we departed at a run, sprinting away through the trees, clods of dirt flying behind us as we employed our dash skills, drawing on our reserves of stamina.

I'd been so confident!

What a fool.

When we stopped to rest after thirty minutes of solid dashing, Tiny and I both huffing and puffing, pushed to our limits by the physical exertion, I turned to find Morrelia standing behind me, a quizzical frown on her face. She wasn't even sweating!

I'd been so startled to see her, my eyes had almost bugged out my head. I can only give thanks that she can't read my facial expression. Impatient, she'd tapped her gloved finger to her forehead, indicating that she desired a mind bridge in order to communicate.

I sighed and wove the spell, irritated at myself for opening my fat mandibles.

[Why are we stopping?] blunt as always.

[Just ah, sussing our the situation, making sure we don't stumble into any roaming monsters. Not exactly easy to scout whilst running at top speed now is it?] I deflected.

That caused her to raise one eyebrow in query.

[That was your top speed?] she asked.

I am naught but a blur!


I immediately come clean, all resistance shredded by

tone is carefully flat, not mocking in anyway, which only makes it

I'm a distant second] I confess, no longer holding

my fortune, she

realise you had names.

names here and there but

over my name without even

has a puzzled expression on her face, as if not quite believing that she is having this conversation, learning the name of monster in conversation. [I suppose, it's nice to meet

I shrugged my antennae.

of my carapace. Since we are doing introductions, the giant bat faced ape is Tiny, and the little ball of tentacle death on my

me to be honest. I can't really blame her. Tiny is visually impressive, his gigantic, heavy frame, rugged silver fur and potent fists speak with great clarity about

you had named your pets. Most

with the two of them] I admit, [I'm just sort of working things out as

back to look at

as you do?

I shake my head.

had to take a skill that allows mental communication with pets to chat with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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