
Chapter 301

Dazed, my minds went blank for a terrifying moment before clarity returned to me and I focused my awareness on the mind bridge that connected the Commander to me. What the hell had just happened?!

Somehow, in the midst of all that it was enduring in this moment, the damned Croc had possessed the presence of mind to detect the mental connection that I had created between us and use it to strike at me directly.

Really, you stupid Croc!? With a giant bat faced gorilla punching your lights out and a writhing mass of tentacle death descending upon you, the little ant who'd created a mind bridge threatened you the most?! I think you have messed up your priorities!

Another pulse of mana flooded down the bridge, but this time I was prepared and focused my will to resist the impact. I felt as if I'd braced myself to be hit wrecking ball. The mental strike smashed into my awareness and rattled it like a tin can. I grit my mandibles and brought all of my Will to bare in order to prevent myself from blacking out and dropping the bridge.

If the stupid Croc is so threated by the mind bridge them I'm sure as hell going to maintain it. Even if it's going to burn through mana faster than I wanted to, especially after coming so close to having exterminated myself through this exact problem.

I didn't want to have spend my mana quite so profligately as this but these big monsters aren't the kind that we can take on without going all out. I just hope that I don't end up in empty core territory again, that sensation was… uncomfortable, to put it mildly.

Bridge to attack me!? I doubt very much that it's capable of constructing a mana transformation construct, does it have a mind magic gland? Why the heck would an evil two mouthed Croc have a need for a mind magic gland?! This horrific looking monstrosity hasn't

that I'd been incapacitated by its mental strikes and turned its attention to fending off the relentless assault from Tiny. Repeatedly rocked by

arms on its right side, the wide swipe forced Tiny to retreat backwards and

saw then I shall

occurred. One moment, Tiny was flat footed as he stumbled backward, the next moment he'd risen onto the balls of his

how to move with such, such grace and precision? His feet

Wait a sec.

that I could have checked the details by examining his core but I'll put that to one side. I never bothered because the name of the skill seemed to be so frivolous that I didn't

footed ape and Tiny slid to the creatures side, raised his fists and continued to deliver justice. By now Crinis had managed to bind two of the creatures arms together and begun her gruesome work, the teeth that lined

good work, the damage hasn't piled up as quickly as I'd like. The thing that we need to keep aware of is the mana attrition we are experiencing. I've burned through a chunk of my reserves already by creating this mind bridge, and the trickly of

in a similar way. As a matter of fact, it should be worse. They're a long way from the nearest Dungeon entrance and according to Morrelia have been marching straight back toward the capital, no doubt to enter the Dungeon there and bathe in the sweet, sweet

or more evolutions ahead of me, the drain on its core must be significantly higher. The Croc seems to have been willing to unleash its flames quite freely so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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