
Chapter 305

We ran as if the devil himself we behind us liberally applying a pitchfork to our most tender commercial interests. Tiny was significantly slowed by having to carry his Biomass burden but I didn't consider leaving him behind for long. We eventually made it back to the small Dungeon entrance we had used previously and dove inside, slaughtering the small number of spawned monsters before standing still, earls peeled for any sound of encroaching doom.

[You hear anything Crinis?]

[Master, I don't have any ears.]

[You know what I mean! Do you detect anything?]

[… No. I wasn't able to detect anything on the surface either. Whatever was making that noise was far outside my range.]

[Fair enough. How about you, Tiny?]


[Get that Biomass out of your face dammit! And why would having food in your mouth make your mental voice sound different? Do you hear anything?]



Somewhat of a surprise, Morrelia had chosen to join us in the Dungeon. Perhaps she wanted the shelter of being concealed below ground level. She seemed to be fairly shaken after that fight. I don't know why she was so rattled, but I can only imagine she has good reason. I haven't seen her do anything she wasn't absolutely sure of.

[You feeling a little better?] I asked her.

At the moment she had her ear cocked into the air, her face was intent as she listened for any hint of pursuit. She didn't respond for a full minute until she seemed to feel confident there wasn't anything coming after us.

[I think so] so sent, [I just couldn't believe that a creature like Garralosh could actually be on the surface.]

[Yeah, shouldn't that be impossible?!] I protested, [its painful enough for me to be on the surface, some gigantic monster, that is hundreds of years old should have evolved ten times more than I have, should be drained of mana after a few minutes on the surface, surely?!]

Morrelia looked at me carefully for a moment before she continued to speak.

much… do you know, about Garralosh?]

messages I get when I eat monsters I know a little. That the various Garralosh monsters are her offspring, that she's a giant Croc and that she raised her children

hard before she continued

a little more than that, though speaking too much would break

I sense secret knowledge!

share, I'll be more than grateful for!] I tried to

seeing through my guise in an

willing to help my people so far, Anthony. It's only fair that we help a little back. Now. Firstly, I'll say that Garralosh is probably not as highly evolved as

I wondered,

[She's around two hundred and fifty years old. Nobody can know with precision unless they were there to see her spawn but that's the

how could she not have evolved much? I've evolved three

not one year old?] Morrelia's eyes

Friendly person who is an ally? That shouldn't be that surprising should it?] I shrank back

this young, according to what I know of Monsters. I was honestly shocked when you unleashed that… ball of death.

an impression after all!

Gravity Bomb!

face intent, [Is that

was my turn to become a little evasive. I don't intend to give up all my secrets, woman! Perhaps a

too much] I deflected, [we were discussing the

disappointed, Morrelia nodded and continued with

say that she hasn't had access to the higher tier

is a long time to not progress. Wait a

[I did. Why?]

Cores…. Something about


[Yes Master?]

any of us take the core out

focus on the arms and then run, Master. I thought it was odd, but I

Gandalf. There's no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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