
Chapter 315

I can't be exactly sure but the shape of the basin and the terrain around the robed figures' feet gives the impression of liquid being brought up from below ground and running downhill to be collected. If they are bringing a liquid up from the Dungeon, what could the liquid be but mana? I mean, I've never seen liquid mana, but unless they are bringing up some sweet natural spring water in order to give the biggest Crocodile in all the worlds a soothing bath, perhaps followed by an exfoliating scale scrub, revealing skins' freshest layer, then what does the Croc need that can be found in the Dungeon?


I know it can be condensed, I have the freakin' skill to do it! Perhaps I've never seen something like this, but that doesn't mean it can't be done!

[They're feeding Garralosh mana! Using some sort of voodoo technique to compress the mana in the Dungeon and letting her absorb it! That's how she's able to hang about on the surface!]

My minds race, connecting the dots now that I have this information.

[This is why she isn't dead!] I exclaim to Morrelia, [she was never starving of mana. Whoever these people are, they've been supporting Garralosh within the Dungeon and keeping her alive, feeding her mana, controlling her.]

Oh snap! If these guys and gals can regulate the flow of mana to Garralosh then she is dependent on them, completely at their mercy. If they decide to turn the tap off then big momma croc has no choice except to fade slowly away as her core bleeds dry.

[This is insane] Morrelia ground out, her eyes burning with rage, [who the hell are they?!]

That is the question of the hour. The two of us remain with our heads poked over the top of the city wall, straining to make out any details.

Just then, something new caught my eye. Movement to one side of the basin as something that had buried itself beneath the dirt rose up, shaking itself free of the loose soil which cascaded from the large creature and onto the ground. What the heck is this now? Another monster?

When the dirt finally fell away what was revealed was not a hideous monster or another deformed Croca Beast variant, but a large lizard that appeared to be draped in what I can only describe as luxurious robes and golden jewellery.

was still a hefty ten metres long from nose to tail, but not nearly as bulky. Something about the creature, perhaps its dull scale colour or wrinkly skin, seemed to speak of incredible age. I got the feeling that this lizard had been around the block

of its gaze

Wait a sec.

that giant lizard staring at

and jumped from

the heck?! We're

hollered at me across our mental link and I watched stunned as she neatly rolled

speed here? Why are you running?] I asked as I hesitated

noticed something. Inside the wall, not only was the lizard looking at me, but Garralosh herself had turned to

every monster

my way to freedom. Why the hell didn't I give myself wings?! I know I live underground 99%


without cracking, since I didn't trust my legs to do the job. Not wanting to break any limbs at this critical juncture,

my two pets as they watched from a distance away from the

I had my legs under me I was dashing, holding nothing back in my desperation to get away. Morrelia was way ahead of me, not pausing in the slightest when she realised I hadn't moved as quickly as she had. That's cold! Sensible, but

giant lizard?] I wailed

They are not monsters, they're a sapient

the heck is a giant

the elder races that existed on Pangera before the Dungeon opened. They are powerful mages and live for

is it helping a giant Crocodile Monster

idea! Would you please focus on running for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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