
Chapter 317

We lay low in the Dungeon for hours. The dirt and stone that surrounded us meant that we heard nothing of our pursuers, even if they passed within ten metres of us. The constant warfare amongst the regular monsters remained constant, as it always way when they weren't brainwashed by some fat ass Croc.

Haaa. I really need to get back to the colony, all of this stress is giving me a potty mouth. Some down time might be nice.

[We need to get back to the village] Morrelia sent over our mental connection, catching me by surprise.

She'd been brooding and punching the walls in fits of anger during our stay here. I could tell she wasn't too pleased by what I'd had to say, who even knew if it was the truth. To me, it didn't really matter why an empire of elderly lizards was unleashing a Dungeon monster on their weaker neighbours, what mattered is that they had, and how we were going to cope with it.

[If we rush back to the colony, won't we just lead them straight there?] I protested.

Leading the horde and Garralosh down onto my family was not my idea of being a filial worker. I could already see the twenty, rolling their antennae with frustration at this new mess that I'd caused them whilst refusing to say anything about to me because I was technically the eldest.

[We aren't dealing with back kingdom hedge wizards now, Anthony] Morrelia growled at me. She was angry, frustrated, and it was making her a bit short. [They'll have scried out the entire south by now, since they know which direction we came from. Maybe they had done that even before we poked the hive with a stick. Point is, they will know about the village and the colony. They aren't going to leave them be.]


[A tiny little village and colony of harmless ants? Why would go to all that I effort?] I muttered.

Morrelia snorted at my use of the word 'harmless', I don't think she's buying just how innocent and loveable we are. Or perhaps she knows what we might be capable of…

[They came here to eradicate the people, I don't think they'll leave before the job is done. Besides] she added, [I don't think they'll want you or I to survive, given what we've seen.]

Makes sense. It doesn't really mean much if you have raised a secret weapon that nobody knows you can control, if someone has seen you controlling it.


outside of fleeing

at my mention of fleeing through the Dungeon, as if the very thought was repellent to her. Hey! I didn't actually consider doing it! As if I would leave the colony alone to fend for itself in

no idea how, but the only we make out is if we fight. If we try to flee, they'll hunt us down eventually. I don't know a way that we could

we were beginning to explode in our potential. If we'd had an extra month then I wouldn't

was we just

to take a collection of former famers, labourers and traders and put them on the road to

the heck out of

Morrelia asked, her eyes

point. I was thinking we could just bust out the way we came in and hightail it south. It's not subtle but it gets us

before she threw back her head and barked out

the ranks] she chuckled, [I have a

subconsciously. She constantly talked about the Legion, not directly of course, but always mentioning it here and there. I know her father is a

[So…] I began.

died in the service]

say? I don't even have facial muscles on the outside! Still, what she'd said did raise

[How …] I began.

take it

steeled expression on the Berserkers case I wasn't going to get more information

break through

the Dungeon forever, no matter that they can replenish their stock during the wave. Let's go with your idea, but if we run into too much opposition

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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