
Chapter 329

As the waves of monsters began to rush forward to attack the pesky ants who were tormenting them from the low hills surrounding them, Tiny burst out of his hiding place, crackling with electricity. He'd been hidden much closer to the horde than I was, and it had taken some extremely direct and detailed instructions before I was prepared to allow him to get that close to the enemy.

The plan depended on him not hurling himself in the midst of a horde of tens of thousands of monsters, as I'm sure he would be delighted to do. Speaking of the plan, I need to do my bit!

My sub brains put the time I was firing acid to good use and I put the finishing touches on the basic water affinity transformation construct and turned back around, already pumping out water mana which I wove into a non-compressed water cannon.

From just in front of my mandibles a fire hose like jet of water fountained out and filled the air with fine spray. At the range I was at, still a good thirty metres away from the first monsters in the horde, the non-compressed water cannon wasn't going to do any damage. At best I might knock a few monsters off their feet. But that wasn't the point.

As the water began to fall on the charging enemies, Tiny bellowed his challenge and thrust his meaty hands forward, unleashed his lightning. The enemy, now covered in a coating of fine mist that I continued to pump out, prove to be delightfully conductive. And when Tiny released twin bolts of pure lightning into them, they were instantaneously fried.

And we aren't done. From my raised vantage point I can spy a few patches of darkening shadow between the heaving masses of low level monsters. It's time for Crinis to begin her dark work. As Tiny continues to roar and discharge ridiculous amounts of electricity, electrocuting huge numbers of monsters, dark tentacles begin to emerge from the ground, slowly at first, then with growing speed.

The first the monsters know about it is when several of them are suddenly wrapped by dark limbs as thick as a human arm. Then the tentacles flexed, shifted, and allowed their barbs to go about their grisly business. Only moments after she had grasped her first victims, a rain of gore and Biomass had begun as she dismembered the monsters and her tentacles began grasping for new targets even as more of the dreaded limbs began to rise from the dark ground.

of her shadow magic and Shadow Eye, she can extend her mana sense through the shadows and 'see' her targets, clear as day. The

surrounding soldiers have continued to pour out acid as fast as they can

him flickered and died off, causing him to roar with frustration and rage. He wanted to fight,

turn and retreat through the tunnel he'd emerged from. Clearly unhappy, Tiny did just that and I released a knot of tension in my gut. I'd done everything I could to ensure that he'd not stuff things up by throwing

I guess her fear inspiration skills were paying dividends since it didn't

turning and vanishing into their tunnels, leaving no trace of the hundreds strong raiding force that had battered

the ants gone, Crinis' limbs retracted beneath the earth, slapping a few monsters around on the

was left. Outward they surged, into dozens of now opened tunnels. I could feel the heat of them, roiling through the air as they plunged into my

Just as we'd planned.

than the tunnel dug for Tiny, the larger monsters couldn't fit through and indeed

down the tunnel for fifty metres before suddenly turning. This section of the tunnel opened up into a small chamber and a force of soldiers was already in

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