
Chapter 334

We lay in wait, ready to spring the third ambush. It's been six hours since the second battle, which had been another successful ambush, something that seemed to make Victor very irritated, a feeling I was also beginning to share.

The horde was massive. Tens of thousands of monsters made up the rolling carpet that made its way toward my home and even after two successful fights, we were only just making a dent in it, so the possibility existed that Garralosh and the wizard lizard just didn't care that we were killing their zombie monsters. Even if we kept up this pace, more than half of the monsters would still make it to the colony, more than enough to seriously endanger our existence.

But I just couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't going to go down that way. Why would they let us attack them, make ourselves stronger and them weaker, without any sort of retaliation? It didn't make sense for them to do that, especially when they could reach out and do damage to us so easily, or at least, I think they can.

With no concept of exactly what the Kaarmodo can do, we are left fumbling in the dark as to what its intentions might be. All in all, I'm starting to sympathise with Victor, having an enemy you have no information on refuse to do anything, thus denying you information, is so frustrating.

The second ambush went smoothly, that's a win, focus on that. We launched another Gravity Bomb, followed by an acid attack before retreating into the tunnels, so far so groovy. This time we'd prepared larger underground spaces in which to do battle.

I personally had been a little shocked that the monsters weren't restrained from following us into the tunnels, after all, the collapsing tunnels did half of the damage in the first ambush, but nope. When the enemy had charged down after me I'd been so shocked, a dragon-wolf cub had run up and bit me on the nose before I even realised it!

The fighting had been fierce down there, face to face, mandible chomping action and more soldiers had fallen than in the first fight. It pained my heart, but the survivors were able to gain valuable experience and levels in their skills which could make all the difference in the future. Not to mention that the colony produced more soldiers on that day than it lost by four times, but still. Those are my siblings. I can't and won't be that callous about it.

My anger and rage toward the invaders has built with every death they have inflicted on my family in a way that no amount of devastation in Liria could have achieved. Garralosh is going to pay for the losses we've suffered and it isn't going to be cheap.

I looked to my left and right. It was dark in this forest at night but I could still make out the long lines of ants on either side of me, waiting for the signal to launch the assault. They were so still that they might have been sleeping, if not for the pheromone chatter I was picking up through my antennae.

"Not long now."

"Remember the plan soldiers."

"Look sharp!"

A pause.

"… how?"

"… what?"

sharp? Do I have to angle my carapace to look

expression I heard in the last ambush. It means



"Look sharp soldiers!"


in my previous life to the confusion of the ants around me. I

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to be slightly different in nature this time. No tunnels will be deployed. Victor has been increasingly cautious and doesn't want to our attack patterns to become predictable, which I agree with. We only know a fraction of what is possible with magic and I already know that they could flood us, use earth magic to crush us to death under the ground and a host of other things. Just because they haven't

fight one more time, double checking what I've gained. It's unusually important for me to be on top of my status right now, since the colony is kind of depending on me to evolve and

Name: Anthony

Level: 36 (Special core)

Might: 41

Toughness: 29

Cunning: 44

Will: 35

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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