
Chapter 338

We continued to kite the monsters for five minutes, pulling them further and further away from the main body of the horde. Our plan for this strategy depended on a few things: that Garralosh and wizard-lizard wouldn't bother to chase us, the former due to a need to conserve mana in her core and the latter because the Kaarmodo seemed reluctant to leave it's captive Croca Momma alone.

The second thing we wanted to determine and rely upon was that whatever control the two leaders had over the horde of weaker monsters, there had to be a limit. At some point the monsters must begin to regain their savage nature and break free, or perhaps they would turn and retreat back toward the main body of the horde.

We needed to understand this behaviour and one of the objectives of this ambush was to determine this.

"Have we seen any sign that the mage slaves have followed us?" I called to Vibrant.

"Nope!" she replied in a thoroughly positive manner.

Gah. I hope Wills is on it.

We continued to run with the horde snapping at our heels and eventually I began to detect heat signatures in the trees. We made it to the ambush point! Now to see what the monsters decide to do.

With a burst of acceleration I rush forward to catch up with the scouts still running ahead of us. In the middle of the pack I find Wills and I feel a small burst of relief. I didn't want to lose any members of the twenty in such a stupid, small way. The colony had invested in them to the maximum extent possible and they should continue to repay that for the next hundred years at least!

"Wills! Do we have any idea what the state of the horde behind us is?!" I shouted at her as we ran.

"No, Eldest. We'll just have to trust that the others have the situation in claw."

Hope, eh? Fair enough. Things had gone to the dogs already, I wasn't about to risk making it worse doing something crazy without information. We ran for another three minutes before the monsters behind us began to slow down. We fired acid at them, let them get as close as we could without letting them touch us, practically waggling our commercial zones in their faces but we came to a point where the monsters stopped chasing, turned and began to make their way back to the horde.

Holy smokes!

"We've hit the edge of the control range! They're heading back!" I shouted.

"We don't know that for sure" Wills warned, coming to a stop next to me, "it's possible they've been ordered to return and the range is much farther than this. We haven't seen any sign of the monsters attacking each other, they still appear to be firmly in control."

Dang, good points.


kilter, causing her to go silent and still. Curious, I turned to inspect her more closely.


not used to you giving positive

training I gave them? Now I'm worried all of the twenty are dealing with some kind of PTSD due to my diligent instruction after

humans would consider a slow jog. They must be tuckered

follow along as

Wills nodded.

call for us to

up and began to trail behind the departing beasts. As we

the foliage and branches of the trees overhead, rather than in tunnels. The dark colours that made up our carapace meant there was little chance that they

with healers and a few mages mixed in.

Victor! Why even sneak up on

trying to

literally hundreds of us walking

can never

eyes if

to attack

"It's time" she confirmed.


the eager ants to position themselves for the first strike. The monsters were only twenty metres away and despite the trees blocking line of sight they could still be spotted everywhere



acid barrage! This time from the hundreds of soldiers who had patiently waited as their scout brethren had risked themselves to pull these monsters this far from the main horde. Their sisters had died to give

monsters, sizzling into their flesh the moment it landed. With a roar the monsters turned once more and charged towards the vicious ants who had

The ants…. Retreated.


formation with a precision that only insects could muster, firing acid all of the way to enrage the monsters further. When we reached the point where the monsters had turned last time, they once again stopped and began to retreat back toward the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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