
Chapter 348

The storm seemed to follow me as I ran, a rain of lightning pouring out of the sky and lancing into the earth around me.

Boom! Boom!

Tiny and I, with Crinis on my back, continued to scrabble and run, lurching from side to side as we tried to dodge the lightning strikes. How are you supposed to dodge lightning strikes! It's lightning! This just isn't playing fair! I'll conveniently ignore the fact I've had Tiny roasting monsters with lightning for months now, since it doesn't have any bearing on our current situation.

I think we made the Wizard Lizard a little bit mad.


Yeeouch! That one was close! The thunder roaring in my ears is almost enough to cause mental damage on its own. My ears aren't great but they sure as heck can hear that.

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Another bolt struck the ground where I'd been just a moment before. Even whilst running for my life I was shocked (heh) at how well I was dodging these things. Is this my incredible insect reflexes coming to life? Am I finally one with my six legged people?!

Wait a second.


Another lightning bolt dodged! I'm an idiot, it's my antennae. Moments before the lightning strikes, my antennae light up with the power of the bolt descending. It's a strange but subtle sensation, which is perhaps why I didn't notice it at first, an illusory phantom of real sensation. It isn't as if I 'see' the lightning, it isn't my eyes that detect a moment into the future, it's my antennae. What I get is a feeling, a sensation of sensations to come.

incredible! I can even

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Spoke too soon!

an instant my body lit up like a Christmas tree as a bolt from the sky connected with my carapace. The insane electrical energy roasted my body from the inside out as it passed through

That seriously hurt!

Oh my god!

[Crinis! Are you ok?!]

my back, [I can

good. I could barely make her out in my vision, smoke rising from

me. He paid for his dedication with another bolt of lightning ripping

back onto my

[Let's move it Tiny!]

on Senior!

was able to offer me the speed boost from her aura but far enough she wasn't too threatened by the precision lightning strikes. I was grateful for her bravery, every little bit of speed would


hammers from the sky as the Lizard Wizard continued to display its unrelenting wrath at me for daring to destroy its servant. You're trying to kill my whole


Never mind then!

by that first strike, only to be gradually rebounding now as the regenerative gland did its work. I clacked my mandibles in irritation as we ran. I really needed to work on my magic defence, opponents

Or did they?!

my sub-minds with a new job. They reached out immediately into the surrounding air, using my mana sense skill


the storm cloud above my head contained. It appeared to the skill as if a

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