
Chapter 350

My core still hurts and it's starting to worry me. After gaining some levels and exercising the pain has diminished to the point where I don't notice it so much on a conscious level. It just stings. Sitting in the small Dungeon chamber and feeling the mana flow in, I'm starting to worry about pushing to absorb the full rare core. Will I actually be able to take it? I know I'm technically pushing my core beyond what the system mandates is the 'maximum safe limit', but that's probably just a guideline right?

It'll be fine! I'm sure of it. What's the worst that could happen? My core detonates and tears me apart from the inside?

Well, that would suck, actually, that would be pretty damn bad. I'll keep my claws crossed.

Since I'm here in the Dungeon, soaking up some mana and getting a rest, I may as well tick off all of the boxes that I can. I get the feeling I'm not going to get much of a chance to rest over the next two days, things are going to get intense the closer we get to the nest.

First cab off the rank is, my mutations! The final mutation is locked and loaded! This is a momentous moment for me. Due to impetuousness, impatience, and a general inability to focus, I've never reached maximum mutations before evolving. I'm excited! This means I won't have to struggle as hard to cover the Biomass gap after I've evolved!

Actually, once I've evolved I'll reach the fourth tier, which means that Biomass from tier one gets halved again. So I'll be down to one eighth Biomass from tier one creatures? Yikes! That's practically nothing! Hunting for Biomass at the top of the Dungeon is going to be completely pointless…

Alright! Pheromone gland time!

Ah, the faithful pheromone gland. Where would I be without you? Enabler of communication! Bringer of wisdom and light! Truly the greatest thing I gave to the Formica Sapiens (in my opinion) is the ability to properly speak with each other. With it, the beginning of the great ant civilisation, the unstoppable empire of the ant, has begun!


Wait, don't get so ahead of yourself, Anthony! You have to survive the horrific death army of zombie monsters marching towards the family as you sit here soaking your stock portfolio in mana!

Ok, let's do this.

engaged the menu and began pondering my options for

a little easier to get the colony on side with some of my more wild ideas, such as not getting themselves killed. The issue I have with this mutation is that it's hard to determine if it's

the pheromones, let's be

no strong feelings one way or the other, I'll embrace the

you wish to combine your Persuasive Pheromone Language Gland to

Let's go!


zone as my pheromone gland underwent the

multiple glands mutating at once this time. It doesn't seem to matter much, I'm still on the floor

Preserve my dignity!


I was able to collect myself from

status. I haven't

Name: Anthony

Level: 38 (Special core)

Might: 41

Toughness: 29

Cunning: 44

Will: 35

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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