
Chapter 354

I'm not a fan of magic fences at the best of times, but when I'm trying to break out of an encircling horde of thousands of monsters I really don't want to see one. So my first thought when I saw a wall of golden light appear in front of me was 'oh plops'.

Because it didn't take a genius to realise who was responsible for this sudden and inconvenient impediment. Sure enough, to either side of me, two Setsulah mage servants had appeared, seemingly from thin air.

Aren't you guys supposed to be somewhere else right now?! Why the heck are you here?!

My feet scrambled to halt my momentum as I tumbled forwards but ultimately I failed to stop in time.


I slammed into the barrier of flowing light, the shock of the impact reverberating throughout my exo-skeleton. That frickin' hurt! But they stuffed up this time, the two mages are much closer than they were last time. I brushed off the impact and focused my eyes on the two of them. Robed and hooded as always, there was very little I could make out of their bodies, but they were close. Each not even ten metres from me.

I don't know if this is a trap or if they're just taking advantage of the situation, but I'll happily take another one of these guys down, even if it means having to ride the lightning again.


Activating my dash skill I streak forward at high speed, my mandibles open wide, ready to rend and tear at the mage to my right. Before I chomp down a tingle from my antennae warns me something is coming. I slam on the brakes, my legs scrabbling to halt my momentum just as another barrier sprung into existence, shielding my target behind a protective wall of golden light.


What the heck is going on?!

Out the corner of my eyes I can see that two more of the mage slaves have appeared, their barriers joining together with the first just in front of the first two mages, protecting them from my wrath. I don't like this. Not one bit!

Indecision and uneasiness struck me in that moment. What should I do? Dig under? Run back? What if more of them are coming, or are already there? Will my acid break through?


of that voice and, in the back of my mind, I noted that the suffocating aura that rolled off Momma Croc grew stronger, ever so slightly. And

She's coming!

Oh nonononononoNONONONO.

down here

to end my second life as Croca plops. Refuse! I'd rather be fed to a nest of claw-centipedes. I'd rather be melted down and eaten by an acid slug. Heck, I'd

spun in place, expertly presenting my business district towards the first


unleashed my acid of perpetual prosperity which splashed into the barrier and adhered to it, sizzling as it began to eat away at the

over here

barrier with me, so I called him to join

you can tenderise

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trapped with us, but she still had plenty of monsters to deal with,

trying, Master!] she cried. [There is something

cursed. They must have planned ahead after seeing how Crinis operated in order to prevent her getting a tentacle on these mages. Makes sense, I don't think the big lizard wants to risk any more of them and wouldn't send them out if he thought

at the barrier but it's taking its sweet

of this, not a

the cage of light walls was on the outside of it. Cowards! How

What's happening now?

began to slowly extend upwards. Looks like they are intent on creating a complete cage! I checked on the progress of my acid, but it wasn't working fast enough for my taste. They must have done something

count on one

Grab me and


with all the strength my claws could manage. As the barrier continued to close overhead and the oppressive aura of Garralosh pressed down on us, Tiny took two running steps and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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