
Chapter 357

"How’d it go Tungstant?" Cobalt asked.

The carver ant slumped into the council chamber, exhausted but with a glimmer in her eye that suggested she was more energetic than she appeared.

"Well enough I suppose" The small ant replied, dragging her tired front claws across her antennae.

"Will she be able to move more freely now?" Antionette asked, her concern for her mother bleeding through.

"Should be fine now", Tungstant replied, "we had to be a little careful in places seeing as the structure is more complicated than it was before, but with a bit of care we were able to widen the main shaft and strengthen the walls to bear her weight. She should be able to move vertically within the nest without too many issues."

Each of the ants relaxed slightly upon receiving this news. The evolution of the Queen had been a major event in the life of the colony and one that required several adjustments the moment the Queen had awoken in her new form. For one, she’d needed to retreat slightly lower in the Dungeon, meaning that a new chamber had to be prepared and more soldiers placed on guard to ensure no harm came to the Queen or to the brood.

Secondly, the carvers had needed to make several adjustments to the main body of the nest to ensure that the main pathways within the nest were able to accommodate the Queen’s new size. The main shaft in the nest had been dug just large enough for the Queen to move through before she had evolved, as she was by far the largest ant in the colony, but her new size had necessitated some careful work to ensure the widening project didn’t collapse or disturb any other chambers.

"The newly discovered ’Architecture’ skill seems to already be paying dividends to the carver caste," Cobalt observed, "along with ’Engineering’ our ability to make precise structural changes is vastly improved."

"I agree, sister," Tunsgtant responded with building enthusiasm, "but you know I think we also need to investigate the possibilities behind the utilisation of Earth magic in nest construction."

"You aren’t worried about the increased Skill training load?"

"Well I think that the Brood Tenders may be able to offset that."

"With the education Skills?"


"It may be worthwhile even without. It feels that there is sure to be a skill unlock in there somewhere."

"I quite agree."

"Do you two want to save that conversation until after the council is finished?" Coolant asked, amused.


"Sorry about that, sisters."

of the colony’s history. It wouldn’t be long until the horde arrived at the nest and the family would engage in a battle for its very survival. To make matters more complicated, the Eldest was still

slightly towards the centre. Each of the council members had their own place, including two

things to come out of the Queen’s evolution was an increase in her daily maximum egg production from two hundred to three hundred. Not a massive increase, since the Queen had emphasised other aspects of her form with her chosen evolution path, but it would make a difference

member of the council knew that casualties were going to be inevitable in the upcoming battle, perhaps as much as half of the colony would be destroyed, maybe even more. By ensuring

far from evolving are you two?" Mendant leant over and whispered to the two

tier three to

but the Eldest hasn’t had the colony force feeding experience down their

growth," Victoriant chimed in. "Every advantage must be seized in order to achieve victory, and even if we

Mendant nodded.

state, but even with the support of the colony during the wave, reaching level forty was no easy feat. Once the threat had been dealt with, then the family would return to funnelling resources into the two

on the construction side of things?" Sloan spoke out to get

have been prepared. Without

Sloan dipped her antennae in a show of respect, a gesture which the two carvers

schedule. We should have our final class of

the soldier nodded her

got as many troops as possible battling and strengthening themselves in the Dungeon. Every skill level counts at this

many are down there?"

over four

have in the field, we’ve committed a lot

"Do you think we’d


course you wouldn’t. How goes the preparations

raised her head, as if she hadn’t been paying

the mage

bit back a curse. Damn mages, always

are the preparations going for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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