
Chapter 362

"Are you returning to the colony, Eldest?" one of the scouts came up to ask.

"Yep! It's time for me to evolve."

"With your permission Eldest I shall inform the council of this event."

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"Go for it,"

Once I reached the front I started to run into more and more scouts and soldiers, as well as other castes mixed into the small raiding teams. It appeared as if the colony was scaling down their raiding operations, withdrawing the forward squads to the nest in order to spend the final hours before the battle preparing and resting. Which made a lot of sense really. Ensuring the ground was prepared and the warriors of the colony where fresh would make a huge difference compared to the starved and tired horde monsters who'd been forced to march for a week solid on almost no food.

Even though the ants started with very poor stats, it shouldn't be forgotten that every ant was a tier three monster after having gone through the training program, the same tier as me. They didn't have the benefit of maxed evolutions like I had, but they were certainly a cut above the average monster in the horde. Bizarrely enough this fight would be a battle of quantity against quality, and the colony of ants would be on the quality side of the equation.

At least that was true for the general horde. Garralosh and her children were a whole different kettle of fish. That's where the Queen and I came into the equation. Hopefully it would be enough to tip the balance.

evolve are you, Eldest?

am I

"That's the spirit!"

on the situation, or just returning to regroup or sleep. Each and every one of them was happy to chip in with a comment, which is nice

was nice

even so it took several hours to make it back to the nest. Colony activity continued to rise, we found workers digging here and there, soldiers patrolling and scouts rushing here and

away? I was also looking forward to the progress that had been made by the different artisan castes over the previous week. The ants were collaborating and pushing themselves so hard that their speed of development was getting

time, I just couldn't. I knew that the ants would have incredible potential if I was able to increase their intelligence, but how

more to the

first thing I saw was the nest itself. They'd made it even taller! At some point it had gone beyond 'hill-like' to just a full-on hill! At this rate I'd need to start thinking about how high a hill needed to be before

Traps were everywhere, dug into the soil and marked with pheromones. I had to lead Tiny around a zig zagging path to avoid

wall wasn't large, only two to three metres, but after the enemy crested the first wall, a second lay a hundred metres beyond it, and a third a hundred metres beyond that. A lip of dirt a metre thick

in between the walls as well! The colony had really gone all out on this one. I wonder how many trees they had to cut down in order to form this many stakes…

chances against the horde of weaker monsters that were coming our way. There are probably hundreds of tunnels dug through the area as

climb and received the friendly greetings of every ant we walked past. I had many

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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