
Chapter 371

In the distance, a rising tide of fangs, claws and flesh approached. When Morrelia squinted, she could make out the individual forms of the monsters as they undulated across the land and between the trees. There didn’t seem to be an end to the horde. They spread. Like water pooling over the floor from a spilled cup, until they filled the space in front of her.

It wouldn’t be long until they lapped up against the fortifications the villagers had erected and the battle would begin in earnest.

"I’m still not certain we shoulda put ourselves so close to our ’neighbours’," Isaac muttered.

Morrelia rolled her eyes.

"You spent several days with their leader and came home just fine. Do you really think they’re going to eat us?"

The former guard shifted uncomfortably.

"I’m jus’ sayin’ we might want to on our guard once the fightin’ is done. Maybe we look appetising at that point."

"If we live to see the end of this battle, there’ll be tens of thousands of dead monsters right over there. I don’t think they’ll need to turn on us for food," Morrelia pointed out before turning her back on the man.

Despite his experience in the field with Anthony, he still had difficulty overcoming his instincts to distrust monsters.

Not that he’s entirely wrong about that.

of strange ants, or their stranger spokes...ant. She just ... wasn’t. She was cautious of them, always cautious, but not afraid. Perhaps she was just losing her edge. Or, more likely, grabbing onto whatever piece of debris she could reach after a tsunami had washed the nation of

they arrive?"

Enid may never have been a soldier, but she had Morrelia’s respect for her attitude and

an hour before the main body of the horde reaches us. Could be a lot less if

she watched the older woman. Enid looked as if she were staring at dog that

get our people

they’ll ever be, ma’am," Isaac chipped in, flashing a broad

him of ulterior motives, as it was she believed he was simply accustomed to greasing the wheels of leadership whenever he could. A

down from

full fighting gear already and the boiled leather gave her an intimidating air that was only heightened by the plethora of weapons that graced her form. Her bow, dual blades,

the shade spread by nearby trees. Looking at their tired faces, Morrelia mentally kicked herself. She had to continuously

they stood up. When she drilled them to exhaustion, they wanted more. When the monsters charged, they charged

constant delves into the Dungeon, had brought everyone to the edge. Morrelia herself had barely slept in the past week, snatching a few hours here and there. She was used to it however, broken sleep like this was standard practice when on a delve. The villagers had no such tolerance

it now. You did everything you could, let’s see if it was enough to keep



the distant trees, returning to thunder in the ears of the unfortunate villagers a second time as they responded instantly to her call. Sleep was rubbed out of eyes and limbs were stretched as the men and women

on the rampart someone was having a

my old drill instructor to shame," Isaac sighed as he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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