
Chapter 376

When the monsters pushed forward over the lines of traps and climbed over each other to ascend the wall, they found a ravenous wall of ants waiting for them. The soldiers were desperate, frantic for the opportunity to tear their opponents apart. From a distance, the wall appeared to have gained height. Ants stood atop each other, lunging forward to seize an enemy and dragging them back into the solid mass of monstrous insect.

When the Queen herself arrived at the front, the ferocity of her soldiers increased. She pushed through the mass of her children until she reached the edge of the wall and looked out over the horde that threatened her nest. Somewhere out there was the mastermind of this attack, the Queen's blood boiled with anger at the thought. When would they come forward and suffer her wrath?

Until then, she would have to sate her hunger on these minions.

The Queen's legs were no longer tipped with standard claws, but rather a new version that she could close together to form a fearsome spike. She extended her front legs over the edge of the wall and began to spear monsters as if they were fish.

*Stab!* *Stab!*

The Queen had dutifully examined the skills she could purchase after her evolution and indeed a stab related option had unlocked for her. The knowledge of how and when to most optimally strike had been trickled into her mind and now she put it to good use.

she pierced a monster straight through. She would then lean back on her rear legs and haul the now valuable Biomass back over the wall to pass

would fight alongside her children and shoulder her portion of the burden. It was gruesome and difficult, but it made her glad. She couldn't help emitting pheromone waves of satisfaction and savage

possessed them. The ant colony would fight at their fiercest for two things, the brood, and their Queen. Ingrained in their instincts was the need to defend the future generations, they would sacrifice anything to protect them. The brood, the next few generations of the colony, was safely

losing. In the face of the threat to their mother, their sense of self-preservation began to fall away. What replaced it

risks to put their mandibles on the enemy and around the Queen the fervour reached feverish levels. Even the

the battle and put her body between the Queen and any danger. Only through an effort of Will was she able to resist the call.

by an option the Queen chose in her evolution? Some organ

possess every ant who went anywhere near her. Victor and Sloan had workshopped a range of strategies to manage the Queen's influence on the battle but they hadn't expected her pull to be this strong. It was threatening to

second wall! There were so many more traps and tricks prepared before the colony

the Queen had pushed such concerns to the side. She knew her place and was willing to sacrifice herself for the survival of her children, indeed she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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