
Chapter 379

The master was irritated.

Assan'diri could feel the rising ire of his master through the bond. Like a Blackened Death Asp monster, it hissed, sibilant, at a constant measure that put all of the Setsulah on edge.

"Diri!" muttered a nearby voice.

He turned to see Chen'thra, his wife, approach from his left.

"Master is losing his patience," she hissed, "his black mood hangs over us like a storm."

"I feel it, my heart, of course I feel it. Ever since the loss of our kin, the master has been losing faith in this mission."

They shared a moment of quiet sorrow. They had not had the time to perform the proper rituals to commemorate their lost Bond Kin, something that doubled their grief. Killed by the devilish monster that had plagued and taunted them for so long, their kin would not rest properly until the rites had been observed.

The rage of the master had been as hot as the desert sands when they had fallen. The Setsulah had shared in the blazing intensity of it. That one of their sacred number would be lost to such a monster had rankled. The creature had toyed with them. Dancing on the edge of their range, unleashing spells that they had never seen before, vanishing like mist.

They had consoled themselves that the final reckoning would be theirs. Garralosh was determined to exterminate all the humans from the pathetic frontier kingdoms and she would destroy these pesky monsters whilst she was at it.

At first they had worried that the humans and monsters would flee, but rejoiced when repeated scrying showed that no such movements were taking place. The Setsulah had not wished for their master to spend years chasing rabble and refuse through the wilds, and thankfully he hadn't needed to. They had expected the humans and monsters would crumble the moment they arrived, crushed under the weight of the thousands of monsters that rushed at them.

They could not have been more wrong!

"Have you ever seen a collection of monsters like this?" Chen'thra asked, bewildered.

heart," Assan'diri confirmed, just as

the traps, the ambushes, the stratagems. One

you hear what happened in the last

wall was taken, was

the chatka charged toward the

"They what?!"

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built a covered reservoir and they knocked out the walls. The

lived their entire lives in the deserts and mountains

worrying than those, were the hundreds of gigantic crocodile like monsters that shared this space in the centre. The master had committed to this sacred purpose and the

my heart, let us return

on the battle and strode toward the source

able to keep the primitive brutes in line. Even the knowledge that the master would scour their flesh from their bones should they lay one scaled claw on the Setsulah wasn't enough

be too disrespectful of the creatures in his thoughts. His master had dedicated a great deal of time to this project and it wouldn't

not mind it Assan'diri. I have no great

his wife both stumbled at the sudden touch of the great mind of their master through

prostrate myself. I did not

words by immediately dropping to his knees and bowing low in

announcing myself, you need

Setsulah straightened themselves, their thoughts seized by the weariness they

rapidly here. This ebb and flow of possibility are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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