
Chapter 383

"At last our time has come!" Bella exulted.

"Our moment to shine!" Agreed Ellie.

"I'll be glad to get out this damp hole finally," Bella huffed.

The two core shapers glanced around at their cramped compatriots and their loyal shadow beasts, crammed into this small underground chamber.

"We can go, time to move out!" A scout near the entrance confirmed.

"Here we go!" Elllie cheered as the ants and their pets began to charge towards the entrance to the surface tunnel.

It's taken a long time for the Carvers to complete this chamber, time in which the Core Shapers had further refined their tactics and tried to squeeze the last few mutations out of their charges before the battle.

They were as ready now as they could possibly be, given the circumstances.

"Do you really think that we should be heading up there?" Ellligant worried.

"I mean, I know we agreed not to. But I don't believe that every member of the council has managed to restrain themselves. Do you? Remember the name of this strategy?"


"So let's go!"

The two of them

train their skills and test the limits of their caste without their own pets? With such reasoning they had convinced themselves to not only create their own pets, but invest in them to an absurd degree, even giving up their

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asked the scout who lead their procession

The final staging chamber above us is ten

so many tunnels

to unlock some truly

and every member of every caste approved

back and forth. From the ceiling, dirt broke away and trickled down over the ants and shadow beasts that marched through the narrow

and up they went, following the winding path, like a spiral staircase through the cold, damp soil. The ants moved in complete silence, even more so than usual. The Shapers didn't have much time to talk to each

tunnels, even narrower than that which they had

number and head to the designated tunnel entrance. Pets

clatter from overhead grew ever louder. Dirt fell regularly now, trickling over carapaces and irritating the ants by getting caught in the sensitive

unable to stop and clean them in such narrow tunnels! It'd delay

her mandibles and resisted the powerful urge to clean

up,] she told her


this extent, she reflected, it would be nice if they could hold a decent conversation.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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