
Chapter 385

Vibrant was elated. After hunting and working right up until the battle had begun, she'd been told that she and her squad should rest so they'd be able to fight at their best when it mattered the most. Naturally she'd refused. Rest?! REST?! Laughable! With so much action going on, how could anyone possibly think to rest!?

I mean, she'd hunted for food in the Dungeon, battled the endless waves of shadow beasts and creatures in wild conflict and then they'd dragged the Biomass back to the nest only to turn around and set out again once they'd gotten there. When they weren't doing that, they'd been out harassing the horde in an endless series of hit and run attacks that had them fighting on the razors edge of life and death for hours on end. And they'd been doing those things for aboooooout. Three days straight?

So maybe she'd needed a bit of a rest. Somewhat. When her healer had collapsed in the ground, six legs splayed in all directions and passed out, she'd been convinced. So the group had gathered together, watched over by a few diligent soldiers (who also had to miss out of the action, commiserations were had) and rested in the Dungeon.

She'd awoken a few hours later, recharged, refreshed and ready for action! She'd missed the start of the battle, but that was okay! She'd be able to make up for lost time if she fought fast enough!

"Gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo!" She laughed and her squad followed behind her as they charged forward into the enemy at blinding speed.

Vibrant had made sure that the first things she maxed out were her speed aura gland and the mutations on her legs. The thrill of running as fast as she possibly could was intoxicating. The wind in her antennae! The confused look on a monsters face as she ran past them. So funny!

After following her for so long, her squad had become accustomed to living at a certain pace. She'd never asked them, but she assumed they enjoyed it just as much as she did.

"Get' em!" She hollered and they crashed into the ugly Croca-Beasts with a vengeance.

"Aha!" She cheered as her first visceral chomp crashed down on one of the monsters her Senior hated so much. She wasn't sure why the Senior hated them so much, but they sure did! Vibrant was only too happy to along with it.

Acid flew over their heads and rained down on the crocs in front of them. The massive beasts retaliated with tremendous gouts of flame that roared into the sky whilst others simply ignored it, they allowed the acid to fall upon their scales and continued to push forward to swipe and bite at any ant foolish enough to draw close.

The battle was a cacophony of sensation to Vibrant and her mind swam with it. The smells, sights and sounds battered into her brain until she was giddy.

the she leapt into battle recklessly. Claws raked along her side, great lines were gouged into her carapace and one of her

Forward! Forward! Forward!

know any

with these stupid Crocs! She wanted to run! Unable to contain herself any longer, Vibrant dug her claws into the soft ground and punched her legs down. She accelerated in an instant, her six legs moved in a blinding rhythm

teased as raced

her Senior had done in battle, she raced from fight to fight and aided her colony brethren in their struggles. The fight had been joined in earnest now and ants fought in large groups against the monsters that pressed towards their home. The Garralosh spawn had reached the frontlines and the risk towards the ants had become magnified by a hundred times. Stronger and less stupid than the mindless, starved zombie monsters of

through the battle unimpeded. Her wounds piled up but she hardly noticed. This was exciting! So many powerful opponents in one place made her heart pound deep inside her

here, knocked a croc off balance there, she danced through the chaos whilst refusing to stay in one place and engage any one foe for too long. Large and highly evolved Crocs challenged her but she simply laughed in their

Grant kept her eyes

any storm

Mendant clacked irritably.

you. If you're going to get yourself near cut in half then the least you could do is not move when I'm putting you back

"Sorry, sister," Grant apologised.

wasn't cut in half or anything like it! Whilst the healer continued to draw precious healing mana, augmented through

had quickly felt the wrath of the powerful mage when she had first appeared but she'd been on the

have much mana sense?" Grant asked

shut up and stay still if I

"Maybe," Grant hedged.

a little before

is being sucked beyond the wall. We think that Garralosh is getting a


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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