
Chapter 391

I wove the bridge deftly and with incredible ease, the likes of which I hadn't felt before. The extra stats flexed their muscles here, the Cunning allowing me to comprehend and visualise the complex patterns with so much more clarity, the Will allowing me to handle the mana and direct it to my wishes much easier.

It's so nice!

When the bridge connects at last, my second Gravity Bomb has flickered out of existence and an extremely large, angry Crocodile is staring at me with pure rage in her eyes. Across her flank and toward her back leg there are chunks of flesh missing, carved out of her by the crushing force of gravity. The blood that leaks from the wounds sizzles into the vapour in an instant due to the incredible heat emanating from her body. Before I can try and speak to her, I notice her throat bulge impressively and I think it's time to motor.

"Vibrant! You still with me?"

"Yup-Yup! Ready to roll!"

"Great, let's move!"


As I dashed away and tried to circle around the massive croc a huge gout of magma erupted from her mouth and landed behind me. HOT! Seriously hot! Lava now?! Is that the next level after flame? Weren't happy with the super-hot coloured flames were you? Needed to take it to the next level? Sheesh!

Garralosh began to twist her body with shocking speed and the pressure of her magma spray increased exponentially all of a sudden. Hot lave flew at my face and I had to jump! My legs push down hard and I fly into the air as the spray of magma hit the ground right where I'd been.


She's a lot quicker than she looks! I should have expected that, to be honest. She didn't live this long and get as strong as she did without having a couple of tricks up her sleeve… Scales… whatever.

to get this old?] I ask



through the mind bridge. Holy moly, her mind is a freakin mess. I'm not sure what I expected to find in there. A former human, thrown into the Dungeon and forced to live as a crocodile monster for over a hundred years, it would mess up a lot of people. But there is chaos in there.

[Uh… How's Crocodile life?]

in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please


[So… not great then?]

her at all. Thank goodness for mind magic. Not that I thought talking her down would ever work, but I'm starting to

My sub brains begin to craft horrible experiences and sensory tricks to send through the bridge and I devote

"Still here Vibrant?"

hot, but

way faster than me, no chance she gets

don't get too close,

you, Garralosh, but I'm not going to hold back just because you were a human once! I gather my

are firing on all cylinders and my antennae are blaring warnings at me. The glimpse of the future I can see isn't pleasant! My enhanced nervous system fires so fast my brain barely has time to register before my body has begun moving. So quick! I throw myself

I told my pets to hang back. Tiny would get carried away and eaten in about five seconds I think, and I doubt Crinis

beneath me and I throw myself forward again closing in on the beast. That last dodge has thrown me off targeting her wounded side, I'll have to make do with the healthy side. I zip past the open maw and slip past her front leg when my antennae blares a warning at me

She's crafty!

my head. I roll left again, putting myself underneath her torso just as the claw stomps down, blasting a cloud of dust into the air


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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