
Chapter 393

Perhaps, somewhere deep inside the leathery hide and muscle bound physique, there still exists the person Garralosh was before she came here. Maybe I can shock her with an image, or sensation. It's been a heck of a long time since she came here, but it might get some response. If it distracts her for a couple of seconds, I'll be happy!

So as the mountain-like Crocodile prepared to charge me once more, I spun together the first sensation I could think of from my past life on Earth. Ice Cream. It's pretty universal, right? It's possible she never ate it, but maybe she saw it at least, or was aware of it. I gotta try something!


Rumbling with anger, Garralosh dashed toward me her enormous jaws wide open to snap down on me. Those are some serious jaws! I swear she could snap a megalodon in half with one bite. Thanks to my antennae, and her avenue of attack being completely predictable, I manage to dash to one side. Sadly, I lose my balance due to not having all of my legs.


Quick! Hit her with the Ice Cream! My minds slam the prepared stimuli across the mind bridge and hammer it into that raging mind. The cold sensation on the tongue, the creamy rich texture, the curled sphere of a scoop. Every aspect of ice cream I could think of I bundled together and threw it at her.

And she froze.


Dash! With Vibrant tailing behind me, I dash on an angle to try and get behind the beast. Anything to get me away from that mouth! Come on leg, how much longer! I can see the flesh extending down, the claw beginning to form at the end at a ridiculous speed. It itches like mad, but not nearly as terrible as mutating. A few more seconds and I'll be good to go!

But wait. She's still not moving? This could be a chance! A few moments have passed and Garralosh is still frozen in place, perfectly still. Since I'm this close, I might as well get a quick chomp in! I change the direction of my dash to bring me a little closer to her body and position myself near the base of her tail.

Omen Chomp!

mandibles of energy manifest themselves


once more a wound is struck! Her scales are so thick that even with my extended mandibles, I can barely reach through them to the muscle beneath, but reach it I do. With a satisfying tear, I


a few things going for me at this point.

I see the battlefield had come to a complete stop. The Croca-Beasts in all their forms remain poised away from the wall. Growling they snap their jaws and flex their claws as they watch their mother fight. Hundreds

is happening to the Queen?! I can barely see her now, it appears as if she's sinking into the ground! Oh, they're digging underneath her! Smart. She's already more than half underground at this

only ants near me are Vibrant and... is that Grant? Close to the wall but not quite in its shade, the soldier is hesitating, caught between her desire to help


don't have time to worry about the spectators, I need to worry about the ant in

a fan of Ice Cream then?]

[DON'T] she screamed back.


I ask,


cough up pure lava or do anything else that might snuff out my life, I smack her right in the frontal lobe

Birthday cake.

for me, since I don't remember having my own birthday cake at any point, but I did eat a few when I was first in school. The teacher would bring out a cake for each student on their birthday. Quite a shock to me, I'd never heard of anything like it,

rare sight of their mother stumble,

to her! Who'd have thought that she would still have these memories buried deep in that skull of hers.

Unleash the Omen Chomp!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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