
Chapter 397

That crafty leather faced lizard! He'd let Garralosh regain control of her body a few seconds before me! Now I'm deep in brown town! My enhanced neural network fires at a speed beyond what would normally be possible and I'm dodging before my brain can fully process what has occurred.

Synapses spark, muscles fire and I fly to the right as mountain crushing might of that tail falls down on me like a meteor. My eyes are filled with burning scales and all sound fades from my ears. Heat is all my antennae can sense and the brief glimpse into the future is giving me confusing signals. The tail is obviously my main concern but something is also coming from my left? I don't know! It does seem clear on one thing though.

I'm not going to make it.

Dammit, dammit, dammit! I can't fail here. Not now! That damned wizard lizard isn't going to get the best of me! Each of my four minds frantically spins to try and come up with something, anything that might get my oversized backside out of this predicament, but I come up empty.


As the devastating tail of Garralosh is brushing against my antennae and about to crush my face, something, or somethings, smash into me. I get pushed twice, once on the side, and once from below, almost simultaneously. My carapace cracks a little under the strain and pain radiates out from the injury and I lurch to one side.


Like a mountain collapsing, the tail of my enemy crushes the ground, sending dirt flying into the air. My left side is still caught by the strike and my carapace explodes in pain as part of my body squishes in a very unpleasant way. My organs! My precious organs! And my legs? Forget 'em! Stupid stick-like ant legs!

Before Garralosh can recover, I throw my dignity to the wind, tuck what's left of my legs and roll like a tumbleweed, scrabbling to put some distance between us. My health has been cut in half by that one strike, even the diamond carapace not able to withstand the devastating power of that strike.

Her mind may be weak but her body is OP. Way too OP!

fix my legs and injured body, I notice Vibrant is caught up with me, sprawled on the

I sputter. Talking hurts.

once, the hyper-active ant is

to be going mad. She raises her tail and repeatedly smashes it into the

tried to make sure you were okay,



Where's Grant?

been wanting to help, I could see it in every line of her body. I'd hoped she would see

is she? WHERE

"Look out!"

choking roar burst from her throat as she dashes madly toward me. Reason and thought are gone from her eyes, only insanity and

human inside the monster. She's going down. At this point the mind bridge has outlived its usefulness. With Garralosh in a frenzy, she is sending waves of aggression and lunacy across, assaulting my thoughts

a mindless rage, any semblance of cunning or thought gone from her actions. Her claws tear great rents in the earth as she carves the ground

Need to dodge! Now!

forward to bite down on my legs and try to haul me clear. It's almost enough. I catch a battering from one of her legs as the giant beast barrels past me, snapping at the air

if I'm to have a hope of lasting for that much time. It's time for some serious Gravity magic. I can only hope the Kaarmodo feels he's interfered enough to satisfy whatever reptilian sense of duty he has. I don't have the

at an unprecedented speed. The mana is gathered together and then crushed, held in place by my indomitable will, fuelled by my grief and rage. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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