
Chapter 410

My mandibles close with a mighty crunch and another massive centipede has met an early grave.

[You have slain level 15 Adult Claw Centipede]

[You have gained experience.]

To one side, Tiny is pinning down a rotting rabbit and he is repeatedly punching it in the head until it stops moving and on the other, Crinis continues to work her dark magic on the creatures unfortunate enough to fall into her clutches.

[Got things under control, team?]

[URAAA!] Tiny bellows, both in my mind and out loud as his fists finish their work.

[Yes, Master. These low class filth will be out of your way in just a moment. Do not trouble yourself over them.]

[I mean, they aren't really any trouble.]

[Just leave them to me! I mean… us.]

[Uh… okay.]

It may just be me, but I feel that Crinis has become a little more intense lately. She's always been a little bit … on edge. But since the Garralosh fight she's been fighting hard for every scrap of experience she can get her horrific, barbed limbs on.

[How close are you to evolving now Crinis?]

I still need six more

in no time flat. You're doing great

[Yes, Master.]

can tell from the sullen knot she's making with her tentacles that she's not happy. Tiny is still flexing his hands and eagerly eyeing our surroundings looking for things to beat up. I can't help but sigh a little. Both of my pets are feeling the desire

level cores for them in preparation. Tiny will need a rare core, who knows where I can get my mandibles on one of those. I think Crinis will be fine with a special core evolution. Trying

be getting close to the forest expanse by

cores to absorb and eating a little Biomass before we move on. I've been trying to get back to the place I saw

are far from the colony here and the support from my Vestibule has begun to fade. I'm honestly surprised it goes this far, I'm a long way

formations cast pointed shadows

Certainly travelling is much more comfortable than it was before. Our trio continues to pick our way forward through the tunnels. I focus on my antennae as we travel, ensuring that I try and pick up every lurking creature. Running through all these tunnels

big. It's real

Wait a sec… tentacles?

[Watch out, Master!]

pillar and drags me to one side just as another set of tentacles whip through the air where

[Crinis?! What the hell?!]

[It's not me!]

process that

[Another JellyMaw!?]

slow to react since when I see tentacles in my future sense I ignore it.


Crinis releases

[Crinis what's -]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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