
Chapter 416

Tungstant snapped back to alertness with a start. Her mind was still fuzzy with fatigue, but she pushed her feet beneath her with alacrity, energy surging through her body. There was so much to do! So much work, so much discovery! It was electric! How could a Formica Sapiens possibly rest when the tasks to perform lay spread before them like a delicious banquet? Impossible!

She charged out of the chamber in which she was resting to find the tunnels filled with frenzied ants. Pheromones blazed against her antennae, the air was thick with ants communicating at a rapid pace.

"Hurry up! I’ve gotta get to the new crafting district yesterday!"

"Not my fault you’re late, slacker!"

"Quit polluting the air with your nonsense! Some of us are trying to discuss construction theories!"

"Take it a workshop or chamber. This is completely not the place for that!"

The Carver caste council member took it all in for a moment before she threw herself into the crush. In an instant she was buffeted on all sides by ants of all castes as they rushed to get to a hundred different places. Her position as a council member afforded her no extra consideration from her siblings, they cared only for the task at hand.

She followed the branches of the tunnel toward her first destination, the brood chambers. Upon arrival, he couldn’t help but feel delighted by the masses of young she found there. Hundreds of them, lovingly cared for by dozens of tenders. This early in the day, the Brood were being transferred to higher chambers in order to benefit from the warmth of the sun.

Tungstant frowned. The humans used fires in order to warm enclosed spaces. It was a crude system, to be sure, and the smoke would be troublesome. Perhaps she should check in with the mage caste to see if they were making headway with enchanting. It should be relatively simple to produce a core enchanted to generate heat. With some care, the brood chambers could be at the optimal temperature for the entire day.

More work to be done, but rather than crushed, she was delighted. Her mind was afire with the possibilities. The visits to the human village had been everything the Eldest had promised they would be. Access to a civilisation with thousands of years of learning behind them had been invaluable. Of course, the people of the village were still struggling in the aftermath of their kingdom being laid to waste, but still the ants had been able to extract a tremendous amount of information. Forging, construction, enchanting, agriculture had all been new concepts to the colony but they had pestered the humans endlessly and then started experimenting straight away.

And with experimentation, came new skills and new skills meant grinding!

"Florence! How goes the brood?"

The brood tender turned away from her charges for a brief moment to speak with her fellow council member.

see you, we really are very busy here right now. Could you

conversation that not’s quick these days?" Laughed the carver. "I was asked by the generals to check in, they wanted to know how many hatchlings we were expecting over the next few days. They’ve been attempting to scout

but was able to recall the numbers in an

twenty four tomorrow and three hundred and fifty seven

enough. How long until

first round of eggs from the new Queens hatched yesterday. We expect them to

Have a great

"To you as well."

connecting tunnels of madness before she made it to the mage chambers. Inside, dozens

Need to hand

do know carvers have higher Cunning than

not of this

something that might be right up your alley. Fire enchantments to keep the brood

see it. Yes. Yes! Simplicity

team of carvers on it as well. We can compare

learn a small number of basic enchantments from the humans. Other that using those to grind our skills, making new breakthroughs

the lack

done much by way of architecture, most chambers were just hollowed out spaces of earth and rock without decoration, but she could see the beginnings of customization here

key. They needed cores for new members of the colony, they needed cores for the core shapers, they needed cores for enchanting. The colony had an insatiable appetite for them

soldiers and scouts are doing everything they can," Propellant said, "we

in touch. Things are moving fast right now, we don’t want to miss

say, things are really heating

"Just. Why?"

to the carver workshops. Of all the castes, theirs had been the one to receive the most new knowledge from the humans and with so many areas of advancement to keep track of she

work and it was a flurry of activity as usual when she arrived. Cobalt was watching over a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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