
Chapter 429

Before me in the tunnel twists a tangled trap of terrible centipedes. Clearly though, these centipedes are of a new and different breed. Bodies of sleek shadow flesh, segmented armour that practically smokes with dark wisps of mana and gnashing mandibles that gleam to my mana sense.

I mean. What the hell?! Why does the Dungeon love these stupid creatures so much? Of all the invertebrates that exist on Earth, or that the Dungeon could dream up and cobble together out of random insect parts or something. Why is it that the Dungeon is so prepared to lavish its love on these filthy centipedes?! I'm starting to understand the point of view of the Sophos more and more… Perhaps I'll do just as Formo suggested and eliminate every root and twig of these cursed creatures from the Dungeon just to expose their inferiority once and for all!

[Tiny! Crinis! Attack without mercy! Annihilate them all!]


The three of us rush forward to do battle and the centipedes hiss with fury as they sense us approaching their nest. The creatures appear to have abandoned the built up mound style of nest I observed in the forest expanse and instead look to have dug out a pit into the tunnel floor. It's sizeable, more than ten metres across, and it is filled with the hideous things.

They gnash their mandibles, spit and splutter as we throw ourselves bodily into the pit. Dozens of centipedes rise up to meet me but they hold no fear for me. Even if this new species is larger and more formidable than the old version, I'll show them what I'm made of!


Mandibles and stingers fly from every side only to bounce off my precious diamond carapace. I can't wait to upgrade it again, the day when I'm covered in precious diamond will come soon! Prepare to receive the bite of justice and destiny, filthy bugs!

Omen Chomp!

as my stamina plummets and


have slain level 14 Stitit

[You have gained experience]



rockslide bursting with electrical energy for some reason. The sound of sparking lightning fills the air as his fur writhes with ropes of electricity that sizzle and flare every time he touches a foe, which is lots, since he's in a pit full of them. The

Haha! More!


rage at having their home invaded is palpable. They bite and stab at us and we return in kind. Crinis is able to extend her limbs to reach every nook and crevice of this habitat and she begins to carve the creatures apart without mercy. I feel that my pets

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being a new species, the clutch of creepy crawlies proves to be of little threat and we exterminate them in short

source of Biomass: Stitit Tenebris

[Basic Profile Unlocked]

variant of the Claw Centipede, the Dark Arisen Centipede has taken on the properties of the second strata, such as shadow flesh, affinity for darkness and shadow, as well as enhanced poison

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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