
Chapter 435

"Morr, you seem well."

"Father, you seem to be in good health also. Not that I should be so surprised."

Titus, frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean."

Morrelia rolled her eyes.

"Only that you're basically unkillable up here. Other than Garralosh, what monster could possibly harm you in the first or second strata?"

Perhaps it was foolish, but Titus still felt pride that his daughter recognised his strength. In his mind, she was still the little girl who would follow at his heels, striking fiercely at his back with wooden training swords. She was a warrior born, a lion cub, ready to be a legionnaire from the moment she opened her eyes.

"I'd never seen you happier, than you began your training. You had a fire in you then, you were like an inferno. Everyone was warmed by your zeal," Titus said wistfully.

Morrelia looked up at the commander, confused.

"It's unlike you to reminisce about the past, father." She chuckled a little bitterly. "We both know that to be a legionary was everything I'd ever wanted, to follow you and mother into service. And we both know why I left. That's history now."

Titus cocked an eyebrow.

"You're barely into your twenties, far too young to be talking about history." His voice softened. "We would have you back. At any time. Just say the word and I'll make it so."

"That's against regulations. I'm a deserter!"

"Damn the regulations. You are my daughter. If the Legion wouldn't have you then I'd quit myself."

Morrelia's eyes widened and she dragged her father away from the crowd toward one side of the cavern. The Legionaries, disciplined and reserved, had not batted an eye at their commanders words and the villagers had been too far away to overhear them. But how could she allow the commander, the hero of the Legion in Liria, to speak such words out loud.

say!"' She hissed. "If the people

above ground? Is there any kingdom left? Do not doubt this, even if every one of them


saying this now?

his broad shoulders, his stony countenance as

it. First this wave, then Garralosh getting killed. I don't know what, and I don't

can take care

But I don't know what's coming. This old man would rather you were close by, where I can help if you get into trouble. It's a

of her two blades as she stared up

isn't there? What aren't you

to look back at the Legionaries assembled and waiting for him in the

for the legion to maintain the Bulwark. It's costly in blood and coin, the high command will be eager

realised what he was saying, Morrelia's eyes

"You mean…?"

Titus nodded.

in. Open the gateway

to spill over but Morrelia controlled herself and blinked

be able to see her again. I must say, it'll be nice to see my wife again

could tell, looking at your face,"

was true, even now Titus maintained his usual, stern

don't want to,

allow that! A non-Legionary at the seat of

will allow in order to see your face again. You're the

…" Morrelia hesitated, "The people here,

"Tell me," Titus said.

survivors, and their growing town. She told him of the daring rescue mission she launched with

eyes narrowed as

laughed. "I would say that he's quite hideous in fact. I don't think

Titus relaxed a fraction.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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