
Chapter 450

Well, nards. This isn't ideal, not even close. Enemies below, enemies in front. With these new groups popping out of nowhere, my mind is starting to conjure stone faced hunters leaping out of the shadows in every direction, ready to drag me to the ground and peel of my carapace. It's not going to happen, I won't let it!

[We're in too deep now, they're all around us. We've no choice but to try and break through the middle. Crinis, stay on my back and help distract them. Tiny, try your best to follow and throw a little lightning to keep them off our trail. It's going to take a real effort to slip out of this one, but we can do it. Let's go!]

It's clear that these hunters are determined to get their rocky hands on me, even though I have no idea why. I can't afford to play nice anymore. I didn't want to get violent before in case it increased their desire to chase me, but it appears that was a waste of effort on my part. They were always going to come for me, I should have gone hard when there were only six.

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To be fair though, it isn't as if I could have predicted a situation like this! More hunters appearing to try and track me down? It's inexplicable! It defies explanation! How could they possibly know what a magnificent specimen of a monster I am? They only caught a glimpse of me! Nevertheless, no more Mr Nice Anthony. I'm getting out of this encirclement and never turning back. They won't even smell me again!


three of us burst out with as much speed as we can, all pretence of stealth thrown away. We head toward the left, moving toward one of the groups sharply but away from the others just as quick. The reaction of the stone people is rapid and decisive. The group in front detects us in an instant and moves to intercept as the group below us rises through the coral branches to cut us off from below. The final group of the three circles around behind us and starts to climb, cutting

who have ideas! Let's see what happens when we

can and pump it full of fire mana churned out by my main sub-mind. Like a miniature

cries and roars of hundreds of monsters can be heard echoing down from above. This will bring any other hunter groups right

snakes and creatures that want to extinguish my flame and myself at the same time. As they pour down from above I can feel the shadows

seek to leap into its welcoming arms, no matter the cost! My antennae forewarn me of the


helping to calculate the best path through this collapsing mess. I have to jump from falling branch to falling branch even as I weave together my gravity domain. If they are going to come at me, they're

time but I'll have to push myself hard to get out of this. The hunters react with caution when they witness the gravity domain expand outwards. I can feel them hesitate in my mana sense, but only a fraction of a second. Nothing

is massively increased and

away the footing around me, forcing me to jump clear looking for more footing I can

coral I was about to land on, sending me tumbling through the air. I might have fallen right down into their hands after those well placed strikes, but fortunately my backup army of fish has arrived to muddy the waters and the hunters can't follow up, buying me and my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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