
Chapter 452

Granin felt hopeful in his heart as moved closer to the creature. He had anticipated this moment since he had been informed a new ancient candidate had been identified. Even better, one whom the Abyssal Legion was ignorant of. He'd had to exert a great deal of effort, alongside the other members of the cult, to put together a few delves to search the Second Strata beneath the ruins of Liria and by some miracle they'd found it.

Golgari stood in their triads around the monster, their weapons drawn and eyes darting attentively. Several bore exterior damage to their true skin, a testament to the difficulty they had endured, but Granin focused his attention on the creature. It was large, larger than he expected. Six thin, dark legs rose from the second of its body segments before they bent sharply back down to the ground. The mandibles looked barbaric. Long and jagged, with spikes for gripping, ridges for crushing and tearing and judging by the broad head, plenty of muscle mass behind them. Surprisingly colourful for an ant, the monster's body was a rust red colour, but the gleam of light off that carapace showed it had been coated with another substance. Most disconcerting were the eyes. Multifaceted and unblinking, those eyes stared in all directions at once, watching all of them. He felt certain a fierce intelligence and powerful will to survive resided there.

Surrounded by six warriors with blades drawn and held down by weighted netting, Granin didn't doubt for a second that the monstrous ant would be desperate to escape. He would need to communicate with it, and soon, to prevent tragedy from occurring.

"Are you listening to me?" an outraged voice broke into the Shapers' thoughts.

The old Shaper suppressed a sigh and turned away from his magnificent catch to address the younger Golgari. He reminded himself to be patient, that out in the Dungeon, it was not he who made the decisions. One false move could undo the work that the cult had done to get to this point. He wouldn't let it come to that.

"I apologise, Warrior Balta. I was distracted by the monster you and your brave men and women have been able to capture. Your family's reputation is clearly well deserved."

One didn't become an Elder Shaper without a century or two worth of schmoozing practice under the skin. His smooth words had the desired effect as he witnessed the puffed up scion of a wealthy house swallow his anger at being ignored and allow his childish temper to be tamped by the praise directed to his family.

as you understand who is the leader of this

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wily shaper's

ridiculous necessity of it. Calm now that the proper

I come out here to restrain this… thing. Should I remove

"No," he repeated, "it is not for the core that the Shapers sought to capture this monster. Now that we have it we are to transport it via gateway to the field academy

Coriinam twisted at the

brain to granite? This monster wasn't easy for us to capture! How are we supposed to march through an expanse and bring it with us? Just kill the thing and be done

have caught it without us, Granin grumbled internally. He interjected to cut off the hot-headed idiot before he took a sword to

your command in the field, Balta, I will have to remind you that the Shapers' circle has provided the funding for this delve and set the terms. Should we return without the creature alive then that

he felt outrage boil up inside him. A blemish?

it is crippled for the journey. I won't accept arguments on this. The safety of the triads is my highest

vengeful little ass is your highest priority. Granin controlled himself and refrained from speaking. So long as they could get the candidate monster back to

I would like to have a moment to work my craft on the creature. I may be able to intimidate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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