
Chapter 457

[Stop wriggling!] Came the irritated thoughts of the monster.

Granin resolutely continued to wriggle. He wasn't about to remain locked in the jaws of a monster that wasn't under his direct control!

[If you don't settle down I'll either drop you and leave you for the silver surfer back there, or I'll start to wonder who your cult would rather see turn up alive, me or you!]

The Shaper couldn't help but splutter at that.

[You really think they'd welcome you after you killed the cult member sent to capture you!?]

The two of them were still speeding away, the six legs of the ant flashing with incredible speed to propel the enormous bulk of the creature forward. Behind them the nine warriors, led by a Balta so irate he was practically frothing at the mouth, or that might be acid, chased them through the tunnels.

[Split up ahead! Left or right? And you know what? I bet it wouldn't be the first time a cult member was killed by the monster they were supposed to look after. I can imagine Garralosh going through a few such as yourself…]

[Left! And I assure you that isn't the case!]

Despite his bluster, Granin couldn't help but reduce the effort he put into his wiggling dramatically.

[Much as I thought… Cosying up to monsters is rather risky work I would imagine.]

[Don't question the sacred mission of the cult!]

[Look, I'm not questioning it. I'm just sayin' that monsters tend to want to eat things that will give them experience. By the by, just out of curiosity, what level are you?]

[Not that high! Low actually! I barely have a class, in fact!]

[… Relax, buddy. I'm not going to eat you. You do notice me carrying you to safety right now? Are you experiencing all of the not being eaten that is occurring at this time?]

[… I am.]

where we are right now. We are in

updates, better


to where we were before. We could have travelled to the other side of the world for all I know. Not to mention you have my ape, and let's presume that there's a whole massive load of you stone-heads about the place right now. You understand what I'm

are you casting all this magic while

brains my man. Divide

You have

course. I can devote an entire brain to thinking about how annoying running away from you stone folk is a massive pain in the business district at all

to learn

[The what now?!]

at that. Naturally the monster read into

telling me how to unlock

[I'd rather not.]

nooo. My mandibles

powerful jaws holding him aloft flexed dangerously, pinching him around the ribs, but

I said too

[Tch. Cheapskate.]

[Left up here!]

Damn, these

side with insane reaction speeds to dodge or tank hits, focusing on keeping its legs unharmed. Bolts of purple magic flew

spell even do?] Granin asked,

out your own? That's cheap, man. I'll share, that way at least one of us is a nice guy. It makes them

heavier? Is that… what kind

keep that little titbit to myself. I do need a few strong

monster, honestly no idea. With the strange currents at play, it was probably for the best if this creature was careful with its secrets. It

really are keeping ahead of them fairly well.]

me out, you really think I would have been caught so easily? I'd love to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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