
Chapter 483

The second I put a leg within twenty metres of the demon, it suddenly acts. One of its dangling arms flicked in my direction and three of the red balls flew in my direction at once!


Arrrgh! Pain blossoms along the side of my abdomen as I manage to turn my body at the last moment, protecting my head. The unfortunate result is that my legs are exposed and as the three balls detonate alongside me they are immediately ravaged with pain. That little beast has been acting weak this whole time! I should have known that throwing one spell at a time was way too easy. I've fallen for his trap again. His stupid spells are so fast that I barely have a chance to start breaking them apart before they land. Not to mention he weaves them together with such speed that the moment I sense the mana build-up he's almost ready to shoot. This stupid little gremlin is giving me a headache!

[You have it. I will taaaake it! Give it to meeeeeee!]

[Get bent!]

I've no choice but to trigger the regeneration gland. Two legs on my left side are heavily crippled and are impeding my mobility. If I leave it like this I'm only going to be food for more of those ridiculous explosion balls. Just what sort of magic is that anyway?! Once again put on the defensive I focus on dodging and moving in unpredictable patterns as the healing fluid rockets through my system, creating new tissues and connecting them at an absurd pace. To speed the process I fire off my latest Ice Spears and then begin to weave a healing spell to lay onto myself.

little demon doesn't want to make life easy for me. Now that the jig is up, he's more than willing to toss multiple spells at the same time but with greater distance between us, I've got much more time to dodge. I watch the demon carefully each moment and I can see he's enjoying this. The sadistic little imp. Even now I can't be sure that he's not toying with me. Regardless, I've managed to survive long enough to get the

next offensive. Sensing my defensive posture the monster takes the

Is it better where you are?

back over

it looks a little .. Broken. As if it were a window that was starting to crack.

never stop moving, I focus my main mind and strongest sub mind on shaping my next offensive ice spell. Handling the condensed ice mana is difficult and it takes quite a bit of work to put this spell together. Hopefully, it's strong enough to make it difficult for the mini-demon

inflict on me. I've no doubt that he can sense the magic I've built up and he must be ready to retaliate the second I unleash it, so

chances of a successful dodge are much greater, the closer

of a bright ice blue light that starts to race through the sand toward the monster as I raise my legs high to keep them from the inevitable explosion. The monster unleashed four of the deadly balls of death this time and threw them out in

is absorbed by my carapace plating but even so, I take some internal damage from the blast. Those spells pack a punch! Still, my spell should distract the monster long enough for

doesn't seem too concerned with the ice magic making its way to the sand beneath it, instead, its eye glares at me even harder. At this range I can see that the eye isn't

before my spell erupts the mouth opens

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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