
Chapter 509

Booms and thuds shake my cell as the battles continue out in the arena. With my Meditation Skill blunting outside influences my magic practice continues smoothly as Torrina batters my mind with her expert magical handling. To make things even more rude, she suggests that I order Invidia to participate in the training and somehow I'm talked into letting Invidia attack me with mental magic. After just ten minutes under their combined assault I'm ready to beg for mercy, which Torrina doesn't grant. After thirty minutes I want to collapse on the floor like a puddle, which Torrina refuses to allow. I could just order Invidia to cease his mind magic but somehow I feel like if I did that I'd lose.

[I was blinded by the sweet lure of levels! Damn you Torrina!]

The harridan in question frowns at me.

[If you still have the mental energy to whine at me then we aren't working hard enough.]


[Way too much energy. I'm going to increase the pressure.]


Me and my big…. Brain… The presence of the Colony within the range of my Vestibule is working against me now. Even as my brains strain to their breaking point, the cursed Vestibule is refreshing them with nourishing energy from my siblings. The end result is that I last another two hours before the threads of magic twist out of my grasp and collapse into nothing.

[I'm out! No more!]

Torrina nods, seemingly satisfied with my efforts.

[You've done well this time. Much better than before.]

[Guess I'm finally getting the hang of it! Ha! Ha… ha.]

[Hmm,] she eyes me suspiciously before leaving the cell to get some rest.

Speaking of which, time for me to do the same. Invidia and I snack on some Biomass and I have to whop him with an antennae when he tries to take my food. He didn't even bother eating his own food first, he didn't want his own food, he wanted mine! Being an Envy Demon must be a massive pain in the backside. He's almost totally incapable of being happy with what he has. That's rough.

Following the food it's time for torpor. I'm so out of it I could practically hibernate. I'm done. Time to snooze…

HAP! I'm up!

drove me to separate myself from the Colony in the first place. To be honest, I'm still glad to have them back. I'll take it over

in my cell until Granin turns up some time later. When he sees me up and about a look of

bet the other monsters have cells with stairs…] he grumbles as he moves hand by

there are better cells than this

you think you have those three chuckleheads up there?] He jerks a thumb at the triad of Shaper guards whose presence is so constant it almost doesn't register on my

sort of phobia to

didn't expect you'd be up this quick. Thought I'd have to wake you.] Granin

Something that

He nods.

but it'll only be with James, I'm afraid. Sarah is off limits right

[What?! Why?]

stone covered palms

have no idea, officially. I haven't been told why she's been isolated, only that she has.

thought to strike is that she betrayed the escape plan, but it quickly fades. No, I don't think she would

into the tournament,

they want you dead or if this was their intention from the beginning, but I feel almost certain that your opponent in the next round is

Well, that sucks.

do you think my odds would be if it actually turned

if I have to


What about my magic, my

a hand to his forehead and drags it down

details right now, but yes, none. She's way more powerful that you, with far higher levels in her Skills and her species is both rare and dynamic. She's also just much older than you

seem all that intimidating when I met her, but she wasn't exactly flexing her strength or anything. Granin's the expert on these things, I'll just have to trust that he knows what he's on about. Which means I need to get the heck

off to see

once again make my way to the arena

call out. [Have you heard what's going down

a nod from the tail. At least,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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