
Chapter 514

A crash resounded through the room as Irette Plamine hurled her glass across her private study. The crystal vessel struck the ornate carved stone bookshelf built into the wall and shattered, flinging shards across the room. The only other person present, the youngest member of her triad, Biritite Cryslas, flinched as her true skin repelled the sharp slivers and tried to pacify her leader.

"Th-They can't have gotten far, we still have tracking spells attached to the two of them, we'll know where they are shortly."

Plamine rounded on the younger Shaper in a fury, her hands slashed through the air as she spoke as if she were attempting to strike down the reality around her.

"Know where they are? Oh, I know where they are. I received word two minutes ago that they surfaced not a hundred metres outside the gates of Stonehall!"

"No!" Cryslas gasped.

"Oh, that's not all! They hung around just long for every guard on the wall to spot them before fleeing. They'll have geomancers trace their tunnel straight back to us!"

Plamine's eyes were wild with rage as she explained to her triad member the depth of the disaster that had just taken place. That stupid bug! All it had to do was die and their backers in the city would be happy. How could they anticipate one pitiful insect would be so difficult to kill?!

"Can we insert our own people into the city's search party? They must be a Shaper, right?"

"They never use anyone who isn't totally loyal to the Warrior's circle! Don't be so stupid," Plamine said.

She resisted the urge to strike her contemporary. She needed to be calm, there had to be a way to salvage this.

"I-is there a chance we can count on assistance? Fr-From our … backers?" Cryslas hesitated to suggest.

Her only response was a growl that emanated from deep within her leader’s throat. Their 'backers' had proven to be far more trouble than they were worth. The money and resources they'd provided had pushed their faction to the top of the Worm Cult in only a few years, but the moment that had been achieved, the demands started to roll in. Ever since, they'd been tying themselves in knots trying to meet their outrageous demands whilst also advancing the proper agenda of the Cult, a delicate tightrope that had taken an immense amount of skill to navigate.

"They won't help us," Plamine said bitterly, "they'll cut ties the moment they sense the stone is crumbling. If anything, we can expect them to be the loudest amongst those seeking to bring us down."

Cryslas stepped forward, filled with energy.

"Then why don't we pull them down with us?" She hissed, suddenly fierce. "We have enough compromising material to drag them through the mud for a generation. They'll have to help us!"

slowed her pacing as

"That would be… "


the leadership. But we don't

face. Plamine flung a hand up to point right between his eyes before he could

we could have moved quietly against that blasted creature a

back to

pressure on. I'll need the two of you with me to present a unified front. We're playing a dangerous game now and we don't

filled with enchanted communication crystals, each nestled in its own pouch and clearly labelled. Gravus turned to the

him in, her voice terse, "the city

His eyes grew wide.

they think we were raising ants in

entire Worm Cult might get pulled out

were the ones…"

jabbed him in

are they going to own up to their part

the likelihood of that ever happening. They'd be only too happy to send their 'allies' into oblivion if it kept their own

announced, "Oridene, Biritite, come

in the centre of the quartz desk that dominated the study. The triad took their places for the

long before the matching crystal was activated and a projection of the Golgari at the other end appeared in the air above the crystal. The triad as one shrank back instinctively from the withered

Plamine. I've little to waste on the likes

she rose, or how much she detested them, a

will soon become yours

frown creased the already aged

This had better

had two specimens escape from the outpost," she stated, "one of which was the monster you asked us to put

His eyes bulged.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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