
Chapter 517

We make good time as we flee once more, this time with the hulking form of Tiny stomping along behind us. It's nice to have the big guy's powerful presence with the group once more. Sometimes a problem just needs to be hit really hard, and while Tiny might have his faults, that is certainly something that he brings to the table. In spades.

In terms of speed, he still can't keep up with me, but at least he's faster than before. What's surprising is that he uses his wings when he gets the space. They flare out from his back and stretch much wider than I'd thought was possible before they push down with tremendous force, giving the giant ape a bit of lift, leading to a burst of speed. It's quite impressive when it happens, which isn't often in these more narrow tunnels.

[So what happened to Corun?]


[Wasn't he supposed to be with you?]

My understanding was that Corun would take Tiny out hunting in the tunnels; it's not as if he could just let Tiny loose in the Dungeon without supervising him.

[Arrr. Bek.]

[He went back?]

[Hnn.] A nod.


[Did he say why?]

him know that I'd be making my great escape? Or maybe he'd just known all along? I suppose it doesn't matter now since we've managed to meet up and escape. What happened before isn't especially relevant. Better to focus on getting ahead of the Golgari and

many ants in range, I'm still not tired, despite all the running

[You alright there, Jim?]

fine…. I think… how

long. Another ten minutes, I

[Oh boy…]

worm! You've had it too soft for too

deal with the monsters who've taken up residence in the tunnel, but it doesn't have much of an impact. With Tiny along with us, we burn through these lower-tier

[Let's go!]

communicates his confusion and outrage at the mere suggestion we leave food behind with

by the Golgari! You know, those stone people! Do you want to be caught

sighs dejectedly and grabs a quick chunk of Biomass

[Good enough!]

the perfect result would be to escape back to the Colony without seeing another Golgari. If they catch up and we have to fight, then there's a solid chance that I'll have to injure or destroy them, since I sure as heck don't want them to take me back. If they end up losing warriors in the process of tracking me down then that's likely to light

then… Geez, I don't even know what

big fat abdomen to safety as fast as possible and

they finally catch us. The first sign is a tingle in my antennae warning me of impending danger. On reflex, I leap to one


figure that falls from above with the force of a

and the pets before I

enough to tell from the oversized sword and fancy looking outer skin. As the light plays over the ore that covers him, it glitters like a rainbow. Is this another moron who chose his skin for aesthetic purposes and not for defence? I whip together a mind bridge between the two of us

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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