
Chapter 523

When I finally come across Jim, he's shivering up against the wall of the tunnel as dozens of ants keep watch on him, some literally on top of him.

[Jim! You made it out, alright I see!]

[Anthony! Thank the- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!]

[You mean Crinis? She's my pet.]

[THAT is your pet?]

[For sure, she's great. Anyway, why are you shaking like a leaf in a storm? Something wrong?]

[Every cell in my body is screaming at me to escape from these ants. I swear they are tasting me in their minds. They look hungry, Anthony!]

[You can't tell if an ant is hungry by looking at them, Jim.]

[I can sense it.]

[No you can't! Besides, what would be the point? We ants are always hungry.]

[Nooooo. Don't eat me, Anthony! I have a family! My poor worm children!]

[You aren't going to be eaten, Jim!] I scoff at him. [If the Colony was going to eat you, you'd be eaten already! Just relax for a second.]

[It's hard to relax when literal predators are climbing on you.]

He has a good point. When it comes to insects and small organisms, ants are just about kings of the hill. Worms are just one of the near infinite number of things that ants will prey upon as they seek out the protein they need to raise the ravenous brood.

[Just take a minute to appreciate your achievement! You're free! You made it out! If you want to, you can slither into the wall and vanish. Back to the Dungeon!]

can enjoy it. Besides, I can't feel at ease knowing what Sarah is

that the Colony has exposed itself, there isn't much reason not to back and try to bust her out. If it's going to happen though, it'll need to happen soon. The Golgari will get word of

let you rest here then. I'm going to go talk to the leadership and see what

do you mean? What's going on with these


WHAT?!] The

I get defensive.

just wanted to help

the intelligence of humans?

made a super cool Colony of

can't take

giant worm goes totally limp and flops on the ground under the watchful eye of his ant protectors. What's his deal anyway? I don't see how smart ants are any worse than smart apes or smart rock-skinned people. In fact, aren't they just better? I mean, I'll take my current family over my old one in a heartbeat. No time to worry about that now. I need to find whichever members of the Council were foolish enough to come all the way out here. Wherever 'here' is. Time to

usual suspects gathered nearby, waiting for me to turn up for a chat. They dug out a convenient meeting chamber for us to use so we don't

to see you

this operation was

to pick up any new magical secrets, did you?"

of things, which I'm happy to share a

overwhelming. The situation has changed so quickly that I need a moment to adjust. The Vestibule continues to pump me full of energy and

great to be back with you all. Thanks for coming

course we came to get you! Through great danger and GLORIOUS battle we have made our way to sacrifice ourselves to secure

"Shut up, Leeroy."

"Yes, Eldest."

even are we? How far

two kilometres in a straight line across the surface


a heck of

did you guys even

hundred kilometres of tunnel? In a matter of weeks?! What the heck have they had to do in order to cover that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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