
Chapter 528

The leading triad each stare daggers at me as my siblings sweep through their office, crawling over the walls. They probe every surface for potential valuables leaving no stone unturned. Already various items have been snatched up in greedy mandibles and carted away under the disbelieving eyes of the Shapers. I doubt this is how they expected a monster invasion to go, most of them seem to scarcely believe they're still alive. If I'm being honest, that's not an unreasonable state of mind for them to be in.

[I don't suppose you thought you'd wind up in a situation like this, did you Plamine?] I can't help but taunt a little.

The once powerful Shaper is a shadow of her former self, looking frazzled and worn down, as much a person with solid rock for skin can. She glares at me fiercely before replying.

[It seems we were right to treat you as a monster and not as a person. You're actions reveal the beast that you are.]

Her mental communication is loaded with venom but the sheer arrogance of her words robs me of the ability to address her tone.

[You don't think stuffing me in a cell and trying to kill me has motivated my response in any way?]

[You should be thanking us,] she sneers, [you gained much from the Cult of the Worm, did you not? Our experience and knowledge, levels and Biomass. You were happy to take those things from us. Look how you have rewarded our hospitality.]

[You're out of control, lady.] I clack my mandibles. [You had so many opportunities to prevent this outcome. You could have left me alone in the Dungeon, but no. You could have treated me with dignity, but no. You could have taken my bargain when it was offered, but no. You're going to get the bad ending that you worked so hard to achieve.]

[You speak as if you are the only thing that mattered, but there are many points of view, many shifting alliances. Even if we wanted to change our policy, there were existing considerations you know nothing about.]

I shrug my antennae.

[So? I don't have to take into account your situation, only my own. If someone else has driven you to this point, then blame them, not me.]

I give her a friendly pat on the head with one claw and she flinches away from me. Gravus looks like he's about ready to explode with rage, but perhaps the mandibles around his neck are helping him hold it in.

[Now that my family is here, we're going to ransack this outpost, take everything we can use and leave you with a smoking ruin. Them's the breaks, I suppose.]

when we do, I'm going to be there. I

Well, that's just nasty.

coming for us, which is why we're trying to move quickly. But, you know what?

turn pale. They can turn a bit

[You wouldn't!]

arrogantly say that I've learned everything you guys happen to know. Also, when your people

why would I

is attempting to appear strong, but I can tell that she's rattled. Not that I blame her.

to go back to your people alive is if you keep me

but get a little overdramatic with the

younger one as well,]

away her fellow triad member who doesn't appear to be very


but the emotion appears genuine. Interesting. We might be able to use

a single stone on her skin.] I promise. I don't need to say what'll happen

another soldier whilst being carefully watched by a Mage as the rest of the Shapers nervously watch. Not seeing any reason to keep

going to take those two with me when we leave for hostage purposes. You'll probably get them back, we'll

A pause.

Bit of advice there…

all sag with

I should have mentioned that first. Sorry. Catch you all later then, please don't hunt us down…

the communication and turn to the scout


She nods.

are reporting their tasks are complete as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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