
Chapter 542

Like air in a bellows, I can feel the strength within this armored figure rise and fall as he tries to control it. I think he knows as well as I do, that he doesn't have any choice but to unleash it. What will it matter if some of his people become collateral damage, if none of them are going to survive anyway? The same proposition is looming before my multifaceted eyes as well. If I don't force this guy to retreat, he'll kill every ant here, or come very close to it. I'm going to have to pull out the big guns to get him out of here, and there's little chance I'll be able to prevent the rest of the colony from getting caught up in the crossfire. It's not a choice I like, but I'm just going to have to deal with it!

Come on then, block-head. Show me what you've got!

Power is surging through me as the Vestibule channels the will of every ant in range, thousands of individuals, into me as energy. Harnessing that, I push my body and minds further than I ever have before. One of my sub-brains weaves together a new elemental construct as I focus my energy on my jaws and lunge forward for another vicious chomp. I fight against the pain of the blade in my side as I fight to hold him still as he gets roasted by the intense heat of the blue flame that pours from my mouth. I feel the surge building before it comes, but rather than retreat, I step forward, bringing the Golgari even closer, so that I might shield my family from as much harm as possible.

Light blazes from the armour in front of me as an irresistible wave of force expands outwards from my foe, blasting everything away. I try to absorb the power of it and hold him down, but my legs give out, unable to hold on in the face of such strength. My mandibles are forced open and the sword is torn out of me as my huge body is blown backwards five metres as the very rock around us shakes from the force of the impact. When my vision clears I can see that the walls have been caved in around the figure, with many ants crushed against the stone from the Skill that was unleashed.

HRRRRR. Damn this moron! If he's so desperate for a war that'll kill thousands, then at the very least he should be one the first to fall!

My minds work in flawless harmony as I weave together two different elements to form an entirely new form of spell. Roaring heat from the fire mana construct held in my left brain melds with firm earth mana from my right to form a new mana, thick and bursting with raw power, my central sub-brain takes hold of this new energy and crafts a spell out of it, all in the blink of an eye.

is just one of the startling advances my spellcraft has made over the last few weeks! My capacity to manipulate mana has grown by leaps and bounds, not to mention that never ending,


can strike before he gets the chance. Before my face, a sizzling ball of molten rock takes shape before it launches through the air and slams into the figure's chest. The physical force of it is enough to disrupt his balance, but far from

battle, pheromones flying through the air to rattle off my antennae. Cries of victory, calls for healers, requests for backup wash over me and slide past my consciousness. Sunk deep into meditation, my focus is absolute. I won't be distracted. Step. Step. My mandibles flex

Omen Chomp!

hilt of his sword and brings it down in a massive overhead strike. The moment it begins to move, the pressure it unleashes is absurd, nearly crushing me to the floor. With my very slight glimpse into the future, my senses scream at me that this blade means death. Even the sight of it is horrifying. His stamina has flooded the blade until it's bursting with light which extends from the tip of the blade through the ceiling of the tunnel. The runes along the blade are lit with pure mana and the energy in the air howls through the air form a vortex around the

be struck by the attack would kill me, I'm certain of that. Diamond carapace or no, this is still an ability above my grade. But I refuse to dodge! Acting against every instinct in

as my



of rage, he forces the skill to fall. Using only his wrist, he directs the howling storm down through the blade and onto my back. In that last moment, I hear a resounding SNAP from his arm, and a final blast of lava sprays from my mouth across the figure’s face, then the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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