
Chapter 551

As if the first gate wasn't impressive enough, the second one is even larger, thicker and more heavily enchanted than the first. Not to mention it positively bristles with ants in defended lookout posts. How anyone could possibly break through, I've no idea. If another wave happened, we'd be laughing at the monsters on the outside. Unless a battering ram made from living metal happens to spawn nearby, I don't think anything will get through.

That's not a challenge, Gandalf! Don't you dare create that frickin' creature just to spite me!

After passing through the second gate, the procession began to break up. Sarah and Jim are led to a nearby chamber to rest as the scouts, soldiers and generals break away to find their own chambers to enjoy their rest. As they march past me I don't see the grateful ants I thought I would, but tense and somewhat resentful ones. You hate rest that much?! For a brief moment I contemplate increasing their enforced break to twenty four hours, but managed to contain myself.

"I told you they wouldn't like it."

"Sloan? Bah! Who cares if they don’t like it? Rest is important and we're all extremely fatigued. They need it."

She shrugs.

"You may be right about that. I know I'm exhausted."

I look at her appraisingly.

"That's not something I hear many members of the council admit to, Sloan. Is this indicative of growth?"

not. Perhaps I've

tier four now, so you should


to find their own places to rest, making sure to give me the stink eye as they leave. I make it

of my siblings begin to cover the surface of the tunnel and I notice something different. The way the tunnel has been shaped is off. Only when I pause, causing a few hurried ants to crawl over me since I'm holding up traffic, do I realise the difference. In the first nest, tunnels were usually round

of traffic to exist, one on the floor and one on the ceiling. More than that, the shape of the floor and ceiling aren't flat, but rather folded into waves, like the letter 'w'. By watching the ants travelling around me, I realise that this increases the surface area that can be gripped, allowing more ants to move through at the same time. The ceiling is shaped the same way, but with the dips and valleys opposite to the floor, so the same distance

walls. Curious, I skitter over to it so I can make a more thorough inspection. It looks like a metal plate, indented with numerous grooves that form a strange pattern. I look at the thing with interest, unable to work out what it's for. Have the Carvers

daily rest is


pheromones emitting from the thing. What the heck was that?! It speaks? Obviously I know that it isn't speaking

had spread its message, all sign of pheromones have vanished without a trace. Are they magically developed? That would be nuts. Curiosity fulfilled, I

like the tunnels, it's been built wider, with a higher ceiling and the surfaces are all constructed with that same wavy rise and fall, dotted with side tunnels. My antennae tingle with a constant stream of ant communication and the persistent trails that advertise where each tunnel leads. Rather disturbingly, in the centre of the chamber, a rather elaborate looking stone statue of what appears to be me stands proudly, pointing into the distance with one leg as the antennae slope forward at a noble and confident angle. An angle

for a moment I'm tempted to go down there and smack the thing down, but rather

when they see me, some of them

and get

[Hmm. Slip.]

Master. You won't go far,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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