
Chapter 553

Despite receiving the justice of my mother, I stoically endured her disapproving gaze for as long as I could manage in order to tickle grubs. Their joyful wiggles warmed my heart even as I quailed inside, anticipating another THWACK at any moment. In the end, I could only hold out for ten minutes before I slunk from the chamber, only to find myself in even more sacred territory, the egg laying room!

Victoriant and Antionette look up at me in surprise as I crawl down through a gap in the ceiling.

"Eldest! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know me. Just checking in on everyone and seeing how things are going."

"He's avoiding work," the Queen calls out as she enters the chamber after me.

The two younger Queens give each other a brief look.

"The Eldest? Avoiding work? Surely you jest Mother!"

"Such a thing is impossible!"

The two of them laugh together and I hasten to cut Mother off before she can destroy my reputation. What can I use to distract her?!

"Ah! Is that Aphy the aphid Queen I see? She's gotten big!"

It's true, in one corner of the egg laying chamber, a much larger than before aphid Queen is nibbling on some Biomass next to her own little pile of eggs, looking very pleased with herself.

"Yes, she evolved not that long ago," the Queen can't help but rush over to dote on her pet with pats and scritches. "I wasn't sure about bringing her down to this Strata, but in the end I felt a lot more comfortable when she's somewhere I can keep an eye on her. You do like to get up to mischief, don't you Aphy?"


of delight as it leans into the

tenders take care of the aphid

care just as well as the hatchlings do, and each aphid will pay the colony

the feeding is going

tells me warmly, still radiating affection towards her pet, "they've been spread to four separate expanses in the first Strata


we own that much territory?”

pretty quickly," Antionette muses. "The Generals, Soldiers and Scouts were super excited about it. They were all fired up every time they found a new expanse. I think they sent a thousand Soldiers

A thousand?! But why?!

same," Victoriant confirms, "I think

really were getting

the Colony are there, right now?" I ask. "The number can't be that high,

of reflective silence as the three gathered Queens ponder for

not exactly sure," Mother answers me. "I haven't

sentiment, they've no idea. I can get a rough sense of how many are in range of the Vestibule, but

I move around the

put it off any longer. I limber up

asks, barely

never ends, as well

thought," she muses before turning back to pat Aphy some

firm! Alright then, time to head over to the core shapers, then I'll check in with the mages and teach them a few things. I need to catch up with the carvers,

to find who's making all these carvings of me as well. And the statues! Enough is

slip some torpor in there somewhere, just in case I need a mental break. Full of determination, I follow the scent trails to the core shaper workshop and find both Bella and Ellie hard at work. It takes a few hours but I'm able to demonstrate the new techniques I've learned and share all the knowledge of monster builds that I picked up from the Shapers. The two council members seem

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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