
Chapter 557

With my circle around me, I eventually find my way into town. It's a shocking transformation that's taken place. Cobbled roads with drainage ditches, a smattering of proper, stone buildings, way more people than I remember and a plethora of other indicators of a thriving, happy community. To think that mere months ago this place didn't have one brick on top of another. There's still quite a few ants about the place, watching the humans go about their business, helping out here and there. Most of them are mages, of course, but every now and again a carver pops up with a mage escort to perform the mind magic for them.

The Colony really has taken my instructions to learn from the humans very seriously. It seems as though they won't be satisfied until they extract every little piece of information they can get their mandibles on. Considering the rate of improvement that they’ve shown, it's working like a charm.

Corun and Torrina draw a lot of strange looks as they accompany me into the town. Being Golgari, they stand head and shoulders above even the tallest human in town, not to mention their glittering stone skin and general lack of clothing. But even they, as strange and new to these people as they are, don't seem to be enough to distract from the spectacle of forty robed 'ant-people' escorting me through the streets. Having them just be there is one thing, but the shouting adds a whole new layer of awkwardness.




The WHAT?!

I thought I was the only one who called them that… Regardless, this public display of devotion receives something of a mixed response from the gathering crowd of onlookers. Some people, presumably those who've seen me before, possibly during the battle against Garralosh, cheer and wave as they see me, or clasp their hands and join the shouting, which is less great. Others appear more curious than elated, likely those who haven't seen an ant of this sort of size or apparent importance wandering around. Then there's others who seem less delighted to have a giant monster in quite such close proximity to themselves.

I should have waited outside of town. I just got a little enthused and wanted to see all of the changes that had taken place. They've worked hard, these people. Can't help if I wanted to have a bit of a sticky-beak.

[You seem popular up here,] Corun laughs over a mind bridge.

[When you save people's lives from a horrible death by monster, they tend to be grateful, even if you are a monster.]

[Even so, some of this feels a little… religious, don't you think?]

[I'm not sure I get what you mean…]

[The robes, the singing of praises and such. Granin might be on the right track with you, you've already managed to create your own cult!]

[Antenna Cult?] Torrina says.

was thinking 'Carapace

off, I do not have a cult. Second of all, you're cult is the 'Cult of the Worm'. Before you try and start making fun of other people's cults, not that

Master with

I sigh, [being up here can't be any more comfortable for you than

[I'm fine!]

but not to

simple stone construction that is nevertheless very impressive considering how quick they whipped it up. It's nothing compared to what the carvers

use my mana sense and reach out with a mind bridge once I find

possibly tell me that you didn't know I was

sounds equal parts irritated and weary, [but I've been stuck in here listening to people natter on about their issues which apparently can't be put aside for

evolution and you'll probably never

mental communication when people won't

ask me. Although, she may be a touch too old for Dungeon delving. I turn to one of my ant-headed

the giant ant standing next

fellow I'm talking to, a middle aged looking chap with a weather beaten face, leaps a metre into the air before turning to look at me with a panic stricken

you to grab some of your people, go in there, and make sure Enid can

drags them into the building, whispering furiously to them as they go. The chap looks a touch glassy eyed, I hope he's alright. It's better than having

after they went in, the three ant-robed people bring out a rather startled looking Enid being carried in their arms. She knew that something was going to

a friendly wave of an

has. Have you changed

no. That's Crinis. Say hello,

a barbed tentacle, much to the horror of most people

[She says hi.]

slightly, before she brushes her skirts down and shoos

something important happening going on down in the Dungeon? Must be big if you've come back up here, it can't be

might have accidentally started a war with the Golgari which is likely to kick off sometime in the next week. There's also a city under

just stares

are they here?] She points an accusatory finger at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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