
Chapter 561

The return of the Eldest after their brief time apart from the Colony was a momentous event. Throughout the history of our kind, it was always the Eldest who acted as the catalyst of change, the arbour of progress. As we grew in strength, wisdom and capability, there was danger of complacency, of waste and inefficiency as we followed a thousand different trails of knowledge to their fruitless conclusions. Instead, at the critical moment, the Eldest brought us firm paths on which we were only just becoming ready to tread, new ideas to throw our burgeoning industry forward and expand our imaginations.

Most importantly of all, they brought us enemies against which we could test ourselves, obstacles that we had to strive to overcome. This contention is not universally accepted amongst my siblings, but it is my belief that every action they undertook was deliberate and calculated, that they forged the Colony like a smith-ant forges metal, alternating the guidance of their hammer with the intense heat of the forge. In this conflict, we would be forced to purify our conceptual understanding of what we were and how we were to function. To become something even greater, stronger and more ambitious than before. All the while, the Eldest was there, watching over us, guiding us in the right direction. The Eldest saw the beginning and the end of our journey all at once. Only they saw what it was that we would become.

Excerpt from 'Development of the Colony: The first age' by Historiant


I'm up! Boy, I really needed a bit of torpor, more than I thought I did. I feel refreshed! I stretch out my antennae and flick my legs in a few different directions, finishing off with a few short hops to get the joints lubricated. Nice. Maybe I should implement this as a sort of morning exercise for the colony? A healthy body and a healthy mind leads to a healthy society! Perhaps they could set up some of those pheromone speakers for this purpose?

The image of millions of monstrous ants, lined up in row upon row, performing morning jazzer-cise blooms in my mind and I almost fall over laughing.

[Is everything alright, Master?]

[Gah! Crinis?! I actually forgot you were there for a second…]

a little with

you I'd never part with you again,

born when another nightmare went to sleep. In order to keep her happy, I'll continue to tolerate this arrangement, but I'd be lying if I said I was getting accustomed to it. If anything, me forgetting that she's attached to me is just my mind fantasising about

them. I need to reinforce my core and put myself in a position of maximum strength for the upcoming conflict. Nothing less than peak, optimum condition can be accepted. Before I evolve, I need to take in the Garralosh core

is it?! Having these stupid ghost ant signals creep up on me all the time is really getting on my nerves! I'm determined to work out exactly what is giving this strange feeling. I feel like someone is trying to pull one over on me. I refuse

the rest of the cores I need either out in the Dungeon, or perhaps from the city. Maybe I can buy them there? I don't know what they'd want in trade. Would they even be willing to trade with a

do so, I focus all of my sub-brains on the Vestibule as it provides a steady flow of energy from the thousands of ants congregating throughout the nest. I'm going to find you, you damn flickers! They must be ants who are causing


sense a disturbance in the tunnel ahead of me. Have I found one of


the hammer down and accelerate to the limit! My huge body flies down the narrow tunnel, sending smaller ants scurrying in all directions and diving down side tunnels to get out of my way. Oho! The flicker has moved around the bend up ahead. Need to turn! I slam my claws into the ground and haul my mass around the tight bend before I dash once more. You won't escape

can feel that I'm getting closer! Any second

hello, Eldest, I didn't

forward, cutting off my path. I hop slightly and land with all six legs dug into the ground to slow my advance as my momentum causes me to dig deep furrows in the

Where the heck did you come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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